this is the night

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Bey come we got  to before we miss our flight 

Bey: I'm coming hold on

I'll be in the car because your  taking to long for me

Bey: then go get In the car no asked you to wait on me

So I walked   and got in the car 10 minutes later she came out looking all sexy

So I walked   and got in the car 10 minutes later she came out looking all sexy

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She got in the truck

Damn you sexy she looked at me

Bey: I'm always sexy I wake up flawless (in a Texas accent )

I laughed I haven't felt this good ever and just to know I can feel good  with you is just a dream come true bey

Bey: Awe baby you are my light my sunshine and I can't thank you enough baby

As she kissed me


Finally we were in Hawaii

The fresh air and the water

Made me feel relaxed no drama  no nothing I was free

Babe are you OK

Me: yes it's just I'm happy we're here and we get to do this journey together

Awe babe Bey said

Bey was out on the beach

Bey was out on the beach

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Enjoying herself

I went back to the Hotel room to
Set up

I have candles chocolate rose petals  flower

First I took the rose petals and spreading them from  the door to the bathroom were her bathwater was running with bubbles  I walked back into the bedroom and into the bedroom placing the chocolate on the bed in a heart shape  while placing the flowers on the  table out side

Bey will be back any minute now

It took her about  20 minutes

To come back to the room

She walked  in 

Bey: oh wow what is this

As she put her hands on her face in surprise she looked at the note on the flowers 

The note

Follow the rose petals

She followed them she went into the bathroom

You did all this for me

She began to

Me: after all you been through its the least I can't do

She began taking her clothes off

Me: no let me this is your  night

I began taking her clothes off slowly she looked at me taking them off after all her clothes were off I placed her in the tub

I whispered I'm her ear let me take care of you tonight

She nodded

After I washed her I took her out and dried her off and put her in a bra and panties 

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