shoot me bitch shoot me!

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I just finished my breakfast and Bey went and got blue I began go walk to the living room and I heard a knock at the door

Bey ran down stairs

Bey: don't you answer that door (in a mama type voice )

I went up stairs while Bey open the door all I heard was fussing it sounds like kelly

Kelly: I can't believe you yo ass all on the news and shit singer Beyonce has gone savage what tf was you thinking !

Bey : if you don't calm yo emotional ass down I got this shit I'm queen Bey!

Blue went downstairs I stayed for a min and went downstairs

Kelly : who is this?

Bey bit her lip

Key looked at Bey all sideways

Bey:briana my bae

I looked at Kelly she look like she was getting ready to beat my ass

Kelly: yo this some backwards shit Bey when you turn gay and were tf is Jay and were is blue ?

Bey: why so many questions I need you to do me a favor

Kelly: it better not involve killing

Bey : no I need you to take blue for me and take care of her because I can't anymore I'm going. To Cuba with her and I can't keep bringing blue around in this violence and I'm on the run Please take her

Kelly : huh I'm doing this because that's my niece go get her things

Bey ran upstairs and packed blue all the clothes she had took her hours


The next day

Bri thoughts

My plan is working I got Bey were I want her I need to get out of here I have a life to

Bey was still asleep I snuck of the bed and grab my shoes and ran downstairs and out the door

Bey woke up and saw I want. There she got up quick and put on. Some short jeans and a top

I was a mile away when I saw this car I looked and It was Bey damn how this bitch keep finding me I just got in the car

Bey: where you think you were going ? (she pulled out a gun )

Bri: fuck shoot me my. Life already fucked up Bey I can't do this no. More shoot me bitch shoot me I'm fucking tired I'm tired of running I'm not trying to run forever Bey?

Bey put the gun down

Bey: you right I'm sorry as she started the car

We arrive at the house I went up stairs I was tired so I went in the guest room Bey walked in and sat beside me

Bey: I can't change the past I'm sorry I but you through all this Bri Im sorry she kissed my neck

Bri: no Bey stop just leave 
You know ill leave you crazy asf like was up with you one minute you  like me then the next minute you what to kill me bipolar

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