not again

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No bey  think about your life our life after you kill her bey I need you I can't live without you there's not a day that go by without me thinking about you I love please don't do this

I brought tears to her eyes
She put Misha down and got up

Kelly tripped her and did some karate  type shit next thing I know Kelly beating bey 

BRI: oh oh hell nah

I ran over and kick the shit out if Kelly you don't hit my girl my girl hits you

Kelly: wtf are you doing you suppose to be helping me remember we were suppose to kill bey and live happily ever after

Bey looked at me she grabbed Misha

BRI: look baby sh
Bey: don't say another mother fuckin word as she got up and walked towards me

Right then and there I thought my life would end

BRI: bey  she's lying why would I leave you for her I don't talk to her like tf you going to believe her over me


Die bitch  .   .......  ..

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