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Bey was just standing there looking at me i cant believe she just shot me blood rushing out my body

Kelly: bey call 911 why you just standing

I felt like my life was over i began to feel light head my eyes began to shut


Bey still standing there

Bri: cccccccall 9-1-1

Bey pointed her gun at me

With tears falling down her eyes


There i was dead still dont know why she shot me

Then she shot kelly

I loved this women with all my heart why me why she have to shoot me i wanted to marry her she was the women of my dreams

Bey walked out out there was no more bonnie and clyde no more jay and bey no more bey and bri i was all gone in one year all bey had now was her and blue i will never know the reason will bey killed me in fact no one know after the death of me bey turned herself in and will be spending the rest of her life in prison kelly on the other hand live and adopt blue blue grew up questioning kelly almost everyday about her mother and father and even me one day she will know the truth about what happen but she is to young to know right now at this moment life went on i thought i died that day but i didnt the ambulance saved my life now im living in the Hawaii were everything us beautiful the water is calm my life must go on i dont feel stuck in a cage anymore i feel free like a bird never to live that life again this was my story of a relationship with a women i thought was the most  sweet,kind,honest women ever but sometime looks can be deceiving and trust me it was i met the most evil women i ever met but know i have the most loving women ever kelendria rowland the most understandable woman ever i swear i would take back everything i thought about this woman

Bey walked out out there was no more bonnie and clyde no more jay and bey no more bey and bri i was all gone in one year all bey had now was her and blue i will never know the reason will bey killed me in fact no one know after the death of me bey...

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 Ive met the women of my dream miss kelly rowland

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Ive met the women of my dream miss kelly rowland

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