sorry I ain't sorry

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I woke up the next day in bey guest room went and took a shower and and put on my clothes and went downstairs to be in the kitchen eating strawberries
Bey: hi (she said in a raspy voice ) I have to go pick up blue in an hour from Jay house

Bri: you want me to come with you

Bey: yea

So I went up stairs to grab something

And ran back down

Bey : you ready

Bri: yea

So we went out to her big ass garage and she had to pick that big ass truck

While Bey was driving I could tell something was bothering her from the expression on her face

Bri: Bey are you ok

Bey :DO I Look OK TO YoU !

I instantly look at her like she got me fucked all the way up I just asked a simple question but I got something for that ass

So we still on our way to this lame ass nigga house

When we got there I just begin to get mad as hell Bey told me to wait in the so she could get blue I was mad so I didn't even care

Bri: man what the fuck is wrong with me im getting mad over petty shit I don't know every since last night I can't function right

A min later here come Bey running out without blue sonic began to get worried
She hopped in the car

Bri: where's blue

I asked she didn't answer


Bey began to cry

Bey: he has her in the basement of he's house he said I should of never left him and that im the one that's wrong he want let my baby go (she begin to cry harder )

Bri: oh hell nah fuck that shit come on

As I reached for my waste
And pulled out my gun that I call Misha this nigga is crazy how you going to put your own daughter in the basement he a dumb ass yo I'm about to get blue ass

So we walk up to the door it's locked so me being the smart ass I kick the door mat and there it was a spare key I unlock the door told Bey to be quite she nodded I walked In with Bey behind me we walk down this long wall way and then I turned and went inside this big ass den there this big lips gorilla looking ass was sitting there with a cigar in his mouth

BRI : were blue at Jay

Jay: and who the fuck are you mami

Bri: your worst fucking night mare if you don't tell me were but is

Jay I ain't worried about it cause you not even bout it

I look at Bey she look at me I walked closer to Jay

BRi: I'm gonna ask you this one more time nigga where's blue

As I pull out my gun

Jay look at me and said in the basement yo

Bri: I'm glad you thought about keeping yo life

I told Bey to go get her and I stood there point my gun at Jay I had a feeling he was going to try something so I waited and there it was he got up

Bri: sit the fuck down for I shoot yo black ass

He sat down I noticed he had a gun in the chair I went and grabbed that

Bri: you think you slick huh

Bey in the basement

Bey: blue blue blue

Blue : mommy

Bey ran over and got blue she kiss her and came back ringer den I walked out guns pointed at Jay so we walked to the car

Bey: thank you

Bri: you save me so why not return the favor

Bey look at me and smiled

Bri: we can go back to your house Bey he might try something

Bey looked at me like what you mean

Bey: OK

So we got back there I pack some clothes and Bey packed hers and
I helped her with blue I don't know were we going any other place then here

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