the beginning

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One day I was walking down the street . I had my headphones in ignoring. Everyone. In my presence that walked by. I was not look were i was going I bumped into a person into someone I quickly took my earphones out and I help the person with the things. They dropped. Me:am sor ( I paused) b-b beyonce omg am so so sorry I(she interrupted me) be: it's. Ok (I was about to go nuts but I was not trying to act like a crazy fan I mean come on beyonce get yelled at by one of her fans everyday. Because they are so happy to meet her I hint going to lie i am happy to meet her I would love to just hug her but her big giant security. Guard us in the way besides I wouldn't. Tackle. Beyonce I am to sweet of a person. To do that ) bey: um are you ok me: huh what yea am ok(I said nervously) bey: your different usually. Ill get a screaming fan but there's. Something about you that I want point out and I dont know What it is. ( I was about to say something but Beyonce. Already. Said something. Bey: how would you like to go to dinner with me tonight. So I can get to know you better (i look at her with a serious. Look ) oak I say I was excited. She gave me her phone number and I gave her mind she said she would. Text me were she want me to. Meet her at ( end of chapter. 1)

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