oh no hell nah!

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Fuck I can't even think straight I got to get myself together I walked out to them putting Bey in a cop car that shit hurt me how im I going to get her out of this shit I need my baby I know what she did was wrong but I can't see my future now without Bey in it

The cop car drove off as I followed it to the police station damn it bey

.......The next day

We are in court and getting ready to tell Bey her how many years she will be serving so I'm nervous as hell the thought of Bey back there make me grow angry

The judge: miss Knowles you will be serving 9 year you bell will be 250000 dollars

Bey looked at me like you know what do I to get my baby out I'm missing her already

I walk out the courtroom and went to the bank it was going to take some time getting this money you can only withdraw so much

I walked out the bank on my way home I get a text message from Kelly

😱😵Kelly: I need to talk to you asap

Me: about what

Know me I was curious because she just now texting me like I don't know what is going on today but I got to get myself together

Me: text my yo address

She texted me. Her address

I was on my way

I arrived at Kelly's house I got out the car and knocked on the door
She open the door with a robe on looking at me all sexy and shit

Me: I think ill just go

Kelly: you can't get leave you just got here

I walked into Kelly house was it beautiful

I walked to the living room

Kelly walking behind me

Kelly was up to something why she got to be sexy to her skin like chocolate fuck I should of just. Left Bey going to kill me

Kelly took off her robe

Kelly: Beyonce locked you me can do somethings

I new it Kelly was gay from the moment I first meet her I new the look in her eyes told everything

She sat on my lap

Me: if Beyonce find out what you brought me over here for she going to kill you didn't they tell that she was a savage I suggest you get tf off of me and ill leave

Kelly want Haven that she whispers in my ear

Kelly: I can give you what Bey can't

I'm fuck no I can't hurt bey like Jay did I pushed Kelly off of me and walked out and drove off

What was I thinking I was going to fuck the shit out of her but my mind kept going back to Bey I couldn't I'm horny but. I'll get over it


I went back to the bank and got the money and went and bell my baby out

She ran to kissing the fuck out of me we got in the car

Me: baby I got to tell you Something

Bey: what baby

Me: well Kelly text me yesterday telling me to come over so I did wwwwwhen I got there she in her robe I told her I should leave she said no so I walked and I sat her couch and

Bey: and what tell me

Bey look angry.

Me:ssssshe said Bey locked up and I can show you wwwwhat Bey can't do for you and I got up and walked out

Bey: oh hell no I'm going to kill that bitch and she got my Daughter now she want you oh hell nah drive me to the Bey house

Me: I don't think that's a good idea you just got out

Bey looked at me like I was crazy

Bey: I said drive

Seconds later you at Kelly's

House Bey knocked on the

Kelly : who is it

Me: it's me

Kelly open the door

Kelly: I see you decide to come back

Bey punched the shit out of Kelly she fell

Bey: go get blue

You going to try and have sex with me girl you a bitch you know not to fuck with me Kelly I should kill yo ass bitch

She kicked Kelly

Kelly was on the floor crying

Bey: you won't crying when you tried to fuck my girl WAs you bitch

I came downstairs with blue we left

Bey still mad hitting the dashboard

Bey: I can't believe this bitch! Man she was my bestfriend

I can't trust anyone anymore!

I was just driving I didn't say anything

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