This is how it all happened

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You guys want to hear a secret? You do great! Well I'm gonna throw some out at you, are you ready? I'm immortal. You don't believe me? Well you're about to be proven wrong. I was born this way. Sure my life's not perfect but it's the only one I've got. I was born this way. I'm no normal child. But then again no one is normal everyone is different if we weren't we'd all be great big globes of nothing.

I'm part vampire, the twilight kind my cousin is Bella Swan we're practically sisters, Mermaid, the H2o (just add water) kind, and a Wizard like as in Justin, Alex, and Man Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place. You want to know more? Well my across the street neighbor is the one and only Justin Bieber and how cool is it that we're the same age? Ok Gossip time you didn't hear it from me but ever since like day one of existence we've been the best of friends and not only that but, ok don't tell Justin, but I have a major crush on my BFF he's a guys of course he's oblivious, his sister says he likes me too, but I'm not sure I believe her. If he does IDK if he still would if he found out I was this freakish creature.

Also when I was younger like way younger my mother died of Cancer and it took a few years to get dad back on his feet and into dating again but he finally did and he remarried but to my mistake of excellent match making she's horrible and dad doesn't know it and she abuses me, so instead of crying or being in pain or telling everyone, I couldn't if I wanted to because well if I got wet in at least 10 secs I'd be a mermaid and the only person that ever knew was my mom before she died. She told me a story of how when she was younger she and her sister's were abused by their parents and so the rest of their siblings had preformed experiments on  them to save their lives they took special moon water that made they all part vampire moon water from their Australian trip from the underground moon pool from the inside of a volcano on a far island from shore that people swore was cursed, and anything magical which the moon pool made them mermaids because they had actually gotten trapped there on the island as the moon passed over and the only way out was to swim. But the other magical stuff they found made the wizard part.

So luckily I had been born with those powers and my dad knew my mom had them, but he didn't know I had them or at least if he did he never told me. So after being abused by my stepmother and being the only child except when I was constantly at the Bieber's house where I was welcomed as family. There were sometimes where I could've died from so much abuse but was lucky I never could. But after being abused so much I decided that no one was to know my powers secrets or my abuse secrets including my BFF and his family I didn't  want anyone to worry about me so I took Frozen' s advice and well.... Conceal don't feel, for many reasons if anyone knew of my powers I could be experimented on. If they knew that my stepmother abused me I'd get sent to foster care and never see my father or the Bieber's again so I stayed quite and became a tomboy it was was my safest option really.

With all other things going on in my life I still always wanted to be famous for acting and singing. Which from everything else I have no time for silly normal everyday dreams and I'm very talented if I do say so myself but like my mom always said I am my worst, well let's go with judge since I'm having trouble spelling the real word that I wanted to use. Another secret no one knew. Well follow me on this adventure it gets better keep reading.

Don't be afraid to like heart favorite follow or comment please. I love you all chow!

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