Meet the girls

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Those girls there they were like family to me. They're mermaids too. I've known them pretty long too. The very 1st one on the left that's Emma she has the power to freeze things, next to her is Cleo she can levitate water and make it explode, then the next one over is Rikki she can heat stuff up, and on the very end is Bella her power is more difficult to explain because it's mostly pretty much jellified IDK.

Hey you American girl Farrah what are you doing here? I came to, wait um do they? Know who and what we are? Yes! Good so I'm here to.... Is she one of you? Yes Lewis keep up. I need your help controlling my powers I have all of your powers and my family says I need to erase my friend Justin's mind because he found out my secret so I did a couple of times and he's also part ghost and I don't think I can erase that part of his mind so I'm hopping he still has no idea about me.

So have you been practicing? I've been trying, but you know my step mom my mom was all 3 my dad is human my step my literally and non literally a witch so you I've had to keep all of my powers away from those that you know either hate me or are under her spell. So not really? What about getting wet? I've been extremely careful about that part trust me. So you want to swim over to the island and we can all help you practice there? Thanks Cleo that sounds like a great idea!

When? Now or anytime really I just hope Justin's not looking for me. Now would be good then let's go. So ok whose going 1st? How about I'll levitate it then I'll hold it there while Em freezes it and then Bella can jellify it and Rikki heat it up? Sounds like a good idea. They all got into the water and to show me how to do it. I tried to do what they were doing, but I just couldn't quite get it. So they got out of the water and discussed a new a plan on how to get me to preform my powers correctly.

Why do I get the feeling this is gonna be a long day? Come on Rikki she's our friend practically our sister. Well we could do it individually one on one instead of trying to make her do it all at once and we need to have patience with her too, Rikki?! Hey I can be a great teacher. Yes but you don't have the patience to take as long as it may take.

So whose gonna go 1st? I can since it was my idea. Ok go on Cleo good luck. Hey?! Come on Rikki give her and chance?! WE all believe in you both Cleo she's gonna do just fine. Thanks Lewis. Ok Farrah I'm going 1st so let's get started.

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