Vampire training? Beauty....

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Hey guys. Hi what's up? Well I sorta need you're help. With what? My powers I learned parts of my other powers I did my mermaid powers. Well I mean the levitation part of my powers and exploding it, and somewhat getting slowly over my fear of the water. That's good, so what else? I learned some stuff the other day at Wiztech with my cousin's. So whose going 1st? I will, Rose says, but how can you do that if you're power is beauty? Beauty is easy all we have to is give you a makeover and I'm very good at that.

How is that gonna help me with my powers? Well IDK, but with being very beautiful like myself, you can make boys do what you want. Ok so how are we gonna do that? Easy 1st we pick a style of clothing. Goth! I thought you'd say that. Rose says rolling her eyes. So in other words let's get started shall we? She says pulling me by the hand into my bedroom.

For a goth this actually pretty nice. (bedroom) Thanks. Ok moving on. New outfit time. Really? Yep come on. This was the outfit she had me put on. (outfit 2) Ok now the makeup. No! Come on it doesn't have to be girly, just uh gothy. You know like this? (goth makeup) Um, hello? I'm a tomboy goth I don't wear make up. Honey you can be a tomboy or a goth not both.

I'm gonna try and I'm still not wearing any kind of girly make up. Fine can we at least do a different color for your hair? Hm.... ok. Voila, here you go darling take a look. (New hairstyle) Wow. Now one more thing, you want want to be goth? Well how about some bling? Fine. So first (necklace) now how about those finger less gloves? Like these? (fingerless gloves) Whoa those are so cool. I know, because even a pretty girl like me knows even style's for people like you and my sister. Now the final touch. I thought that was the final touch? Are you kidding you need the boots to complete this look. (Boots) These are super awesome where on Earth did you get them? From some store Alice shops at.

Cool thanks. Now.... Aw man now what?! Now go out and charm some boys. So I did just that, and as it turns out a lot of boys like pretty goth girls. I had a lot of boys soon charmed wrapped around my little finger. This was gonna be a lot of fun.

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