I can see into the future change it around some too - JK

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Come on Farrah wake up. Alice? Go away! Come on Farrah future's don't tell themselves. *Ug* I see a pillow in your future. Good lets leave it that way. Alice laughed picking up a pillow and throwing it at me. Hey? I said tumbling out of bed that morning the next day.

Hey yourself, come get up get dressed, I see an amazing outfit in your future. Out. I laughed as I threw the pillow back at her as she left to go set up for my next lesson. I shook my head rolling my eyes giving a little chuckle. The faster I learn my powers, the faster I can go back home and see Justin again and defeat my stepmom witch.

As for getting dressed? Well if I really have to. (outfit 7) When I was done, I went down for some breakfast. Ok let's try this again, *Ug* it's not all organized like it was last time. Snow, the fridge is out of order of blood again, sorry not sorry Edward. EDWARD?! My high noise power of good hearing, to put simply I have super natural hearing both in stories and outside of stories my hearing rocks. I could hear from a far my brother laughing.

Edward I can hear you! I sat down for a few mins. to eat/drink my breakfast. IDK it's in a cup, but blood is already in liquid form so do we still say eat? Either way I had breakfast and went outside for my lesson. Alice? Alice?! Where are you? Suddenly I felt this pain in my head.

I saw Alice in my mind talking to me in the future about this, don't worry you'll get used to that, or it soon won't be painful. BTW sneak attack! Watch your back! I jumped out of the way in control once again of my powers. After she said it in my mind from the future even if it was a couple secs ahead, she was then saying nice job on the defense and self control.

Nice job on the defense and self control. You already said that I said rolling my eyes. Well you picked up on that fast. Here let me help you out, think about tomorrow morning, if you know what will happen in the morning tomorrow you will be able to fight back or get a head start. I looked into the future for tomorrow morning.

Haha it's my turn finally to teach her to read minds this will be all kinds of fun. I could see the clock the alarm said 11:00am I'll have to get up at least by 10:50 so that I'm at least 10 mins a head of Edward. But let's keep going. Farrah wake up, don't make me do this little sister. Leave me alone Edward! Snow come on get up. No! Fine you leave me no choice. Edwhahahahaard stop it! Get up and I promise I'll stop.

Not true you can't trust vampires trust me. I said rolling my eyes sticking my tongue at him as he laughed doing it back, then ruffling my hair. We raced down stairs for breakfast, ha ha I win I beat you Edward. Yeah, yeah, but if you really want something to laugh about I can give you something to laugh about. He said evil smiling. Edward you're evil!

Am not! Are so! Children, Children how old are we? Esme asked us. He (She) started it. Carlisle shook his head laughing at our childishness. Mind your "mother" children. Yes Uncle Carlisle. Good girl Farrah. Edward? Sure thing Carlisle. That's my boy. Eat fast Edward says nudging me, we start in couple of mins. No, no Edward you the rules always take your time with your breakfast. I don't need rules, rules are meant to be broken. Yeah well tell that to them! (Them as in the evil vampires that act like the government) Edward flinched at that. They don't scare me.

Yes they do they scare everyone, they should scare you too if you wish to live. Can you really call any of us living if we've all been bitten? Edward you know what I meant, don't be defiant. That's like asking me not to breathe. From inside my mind I was thinking.... Is that an option?

Hey I heard that. What how? That's what I'll be teaching you. 1 long somewhat unsuccessful soon successful lesson later with Edward. Good very good. I'm proud of you, soon you'll be able to go home and defeat that witch. No, Edward, no I cried, don't make me go home, I can't go home I'm not powerful enough to fight her and win. I cried into his shoulder as he held me tight. Farrah she won't hurt you I won't let her, besides we'll be with you to help you defeat her.

Did you see all that Farrah? That's one future now imagine what would happen if you woke up at least 10 mins before Edward did. I nodded and closed my eyes taking her hand in my own to let Alice see what I was seeing. Ok so it's 10:50. Shh.... Can't wake Edward up, according to the vision I saw yesterday, I need to make sure this "future" is different for this morning. I went downstairs. So when Edward came to wake me up I was not there. Where is she? He went downstairs seeing me already sitting drink my breakfast. Hey? He asked in a confused mock hurt noise. Heyy! I said back as if we were only saying hello. No not heyy like good morning. Hey as in Hey! How'd wake up before me? I shrugged my shoulders giggling. What's so funny Snow?

Oh nothing. Farrah? You know better than to lie to me. You must be "punished" Edwhahahaard stop it! Not until you tell me what happened. Ok Alice from yesterday. Now stop it let me go. *Ug* fine you're free to go. What's going on down here? Esme asked us. (He) She started it. Farrah and Edward how old are you two? Oh Esme it was horrible Edward was torturing me again. Edward?!

He rolled his eyes at us. Mind your "mother" children. Yes Uncle Carlisle. Good girl, come on Edward. Sure thing Carlisle. I'm done go eat something and meet me out front. How did you? ALICE?! Alice comes giggling into the kitchen. Aw that's my little girl. You messed this up from your lesson from yesterday nothing I do now is going MY way.

Aw too bad now go teach the lesson. He rolled his eyes got breakfast and came outside. 1 long successful lesson later. Ok this isn't fair there's nothing for me to teach if you already know what's going on. Sorry, I'll pretend to be dumb. His thoughts: I never said that, does she really think that about herself cause she's not. Yes it is Edward you no it is, and even if I wasn't I still won't be ready to go home and defeat my stepmom, Edward, I'm scared. I know I know, but you're gonna be ok, we're gonna have a little fun instead, besides we'll be there with you to help you anyways, you're both stronger and smarter than you think. Thanks Edward I said trying to wipe away my tears.

Hey you said that on purpose. Well duh, how else would could I get a smile on your face without having to touch you if not from quoting a movie you love?! Good point. That was very nice I'm so proud of you Farrah, you've been doing great.

So which would you prefer? I like the 2nd version better. Me too. Good. You did a good job today. Oh Kiddo I'm so proud of you, you just get more powerful each and every day. Well see ya tomorrow. Or you know before tomorrow. Lol future joke.

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