If you could read my mind you'd realize there's more to me than meets the eye

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That's exactly what happened too. The next morning, I set my clock at 10:50. I got dressed. (outfit 8) Went downstairs. Waited 10 mins. Focused on the future Alice showed me, and made sure it would happen. Where is she? I heard him ask. 3. 2. 1. I counted, waiting for him to come down.

Hey? Heyy. No not heyy like hello, but hey! As in hey! How'd you get down here before me? I set my alarm 10 mins. before yours. How'd you know what time to set it at? Thoughts: Damn I shouldn't had said that! Now I'm really gonna be in trouble!

You do know I can hear you right?! He asked with sly smile on his lips and an evil tone of voice. Snow you know better than to keep secrets from me, without a price. Yeah ok. You're gonna "punish" me anyway so whatever. What do you mean whatever? It's no fun if you don't try to escape first.

I shrugged my shoulders, opened the fridge looked for a cup of blood with my name on it, handed Edward one of his many cups and sat down for breakfast. Come sit down, I said patting the seat next to me. He looked at me with a confused look.

What? How'd you know what was gonna happen? Thoughts: Well gee I guess my lesson with Alice yesterday is really paying off. Why'd you do that? Thoughts: Why'd I do what? I asked smirking. That why'd you do that? Thoughts: IDK I guess I know if I didn't tell you in the first place I'd just be tortured into telling you anyway kill two people with one bite.

Stop that it's getting annoying! Besides if you don't stop I'll make you! Thoughts: Duh! What? What do mean? You mean you want me too? Who are you and what have you done with my BFTF (Best Friend in The Family) Thoughts: Since when do you watch Stuck in the Middle? Never mind..... Yes in a way I guess I do I mean it's no fun to tease you and annoy you if you don't do anything about it!

You better run then? Thoughts: Why's that? Besides you won't catch me! Oh you don't think I will do you? Thoughts: We'll see. I got up to run off, but he was one step ahead of me. Edwahahahard stop it! Edward? Farrah? Esme and Carlisle called down.

I ran to my aunt, Edward rolling his eyes after letting me go. Oh Esme it was horrible, Edward was torturing me again. Edward?! I was not! She's over dramatic. I am not! Are so! Children how old are the both of you:? He (She) started it! We said together sticking out our tongues right after that at each other.

I swear you two couldn't be more "related" even if you tried. Edward wrapped his arms around me dragging his knuckles through my hair, my head held in a head lock, I hadn't been fast enough to get away, despite my protests that he not do that.

Edward?! Come on you two, Edward don't you have a lesson to teach your little sister? Sure do Carlisle. Come on Snow, Carlisle's right. Aren't you gonna have some breakfast first? Naw I'm not hungry. Are you sure? You know how you get when you don't drink up, besides breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Besides why do you all call me your sibling if anything I'd be a cousin not a sister?

That is a very good question, that I don't have an answer to. I guess you're just more of a sister to us really. Edward if you don't have something to eat you know you'll faint from lack of food, like you do when you don't. This has happened before?

Not often. Edward so help me if you don't drink something I will force it down your throat. I'm serious, you're heavy, it's hard to drag you home on my own. Edward when did this start happening? Same amount of time I started living here for the time being.

Only stopped eating mostly because I'd be training you or protecting you, I was more concerned about you then myself. Why? Because you're more like a little sister to me than a cousin, and that's what family does. Now come on we have a lesson.

E I'm not going anywhere until you eat something! Since when do you call me E? Would you prefer Eddie or Ed? Fine E works. It's a nickname thing, but like I just said eat first lesson after! I will use my magic on you, if you don't. Fine ok, hand me that cup there.

Here you go drink up. Once he did, we went outside, he was gonna teach me stuff. Until this happened.... Hey, what's up? He gave me this look like something was wrong. What's wrong E? E? He was like so lost in thought. Edward?! I said raising my voice a little bit.

He quickly snapped out of it. ? E you ok? You looked very lost in thought. Is everything ok? Alice messed up my plans. I'm sure she didn't mean to. You seeing into the future of yesterday showed you how do what I'm about to show you how to do. It's not fair. I'm the one that trains you, but ironically enough when it comes to my special power you already know how to use it. I'm not needed.

I'm of no use to you. Fine I mean fair enough, but you can still teach me how to use it, I mean I just know I have that power, and that I can use it, because I've seen myself use it before, but I wasn't taught how to do it, but I can be myself and be all dumb and not know anything, so that you have something to teach me.

Thoughts: Is that really how she see's herself? G-D I feel bad, and it's not even my fault she feels that way, or is it, we're all more advanced then she is, older smarter faster stronger, but she's a fast learner. Don't feel bad Edward. You're right it's not your fault.

Thoughts: Y- you can hear my thoughts? Sure I mean you're a good teacher, you always tell me the most important thing for me to do when it comes to my powers is to just focus, that if I mess up, just try again, why do you think I'm such a fast learner, magic spells mermaid magic, vampire powers, none of it would be possible if it weren't for you.

Thoughts: That's not true! Yes it is. I said frowning. I'm not really that good, or I wouldn't be if I never listened to you, never learned anything from you, I'd be weak, and powerless, helpless, nothing. Thoughts: You got it all wrong I learn from you just as much as you learn from me, and I'm about 108, IDK I lost count after a few decades.

My point is, you are so smart, and strong and powerful, you're more powerful then the rest of us, our enemies other evil vampires would do anything to get you on their side, same with me and Alice that's how I know this. You're not dumb, you're just slow, mentally, but you're already faster than me, and stronger than Emmett.

That's not true! Thoughts: It is, and you know it you broke the table, just like Bella did. Come on Edward, let's get to work. So we did. You're very good at this. You're a good fast student. Thanks, I have a pretty good teacher if I do say so myself. Come on let's go, Bella will give you your next lesson tomorrow.

I stood there. Frowned, and didn't move. Snow? Tomorrow I heard myself whisper. I had tomorrow and my power tests the day after that. Then I would be able to go home, I didn't want to leave Forks. My dad knew I was here he transferred schools for me to go here. They still all lived in Kansas, he didn't know my step mom was an evil bitch witch. She was one of those witches that could steal vampire powers. I know in my vision Edward said they'd go with me, but I won't let them risk their lives to help me.

Farr's? My eyes welled with tears. I took my wand out from my boot just like Alex does, and flashed myself to the meadow. Farrah come back. But it was too late. Thoughts: Farrah where are you? Farrah? *Ug* I'll "contact" Jacob. Jacob?! JT: Get out of my head Cullen! ET: Jacob wait! Please?! Farrah's gone. JT: Nice job, so what did you do, where do you think she went?

ET: That's the thing IDK, she used her magic, and I can't read her mind, we got done training for today, I said Bella was gonna train her tomorrow and she got sad and flashed away, she could be anywhere I need your help. JT: Tomorrow? OMG! Tomorrow Bella, the next day her testing, after that..... ET: Oh no! She has to go home after that, because after that she'll be all trained wizard powers, mermaid powers, vampire powers, she's a fast learner, she's a great student, she has to go up against her step mom, that evil abusive power stealing witch!

JT: I'm sorry what? ET: Her step mom abuses Farrah, has her dad under some kind of spell, she's a vampire power stealing witch! JT: Come on we need to find her now! Jacob found me in the woods, in the meadow. Edward along side of him.

One coming from either side of me. Don't run! I have no where to go! I figured out what happened, well Jacob did. Farrah I know your afraid, I know you don't want to go back, but you need to defeat her and save your dad, we'll be there with you every step of the way you won't go into the battle alone. No! Don't you see I have to do it alone, I want you guys there like you said you would, but I don't want you guys to risk your lives to help me, I'd never forgive myself.

It's a risk we want to take. No, I won't let you! Well too bad we won't let you go alone.

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