Shield thy self

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The next morning, I have to say was a little bit, bitter sweet. Why? Well because I was happy here, and Bella was teaching me her power today, but after tomorrow, I'd have to go back, face the facts and tell Justin everything, and defeat my stepmother.

Everyone said they all wanted to come with me, that they were gonna be by my side, that they wouldn't take no for an answer, but I could never forgive myself if something bad happened them. I had been bullied at school back at home, I had been abused by my evil step mom, who had my father under her power, I had fallen in love with my BFF since day one of meeting him and his little sister, found out he was a halfa, and now I was training with my powers, I had picked up on using them very well, but I wish I never did, because now after tomorrow everything will change, I wish I had been a slower learner because then I could stay here longer and I wouldn't have to go home and fight up against my evil step mom, but that wasn't a choice first of all I couldn't just hide in Forks forever, and two I had to break her spell off of dad.

I'll have to figure out a way to sneak back home without my "cousins" realizing it, that means to also keep my thoughts blank so that Edward wouldn't be able to read my mind, that or be able to use Bella's power that I'll be learning how to do today. You know how when Jasper was training me they had all been "kidnapped"and had their powers "taken" away? There are witches like that in the wizard world, that can take vampire powers, and the only way to get them back is with an even powerful wizard, which is me, the evil witch that can do that stuff just so happens to be the evil witch herself.

That's why I have to sneak away after my big test tomorrow, I can't let her get her hands on them or their powers, I might be stronger than Emmett, but I.... My thoughts were cut short by my cousin. *Knock, knock* Good morning little cousin. Hey Bella, *sigh....* Ok what's wrong? Nothing.

Don't give me that BS kiddo, if you don't tell me what's wrong right now I'm gonna call Edward in and he'll force it out of you. She said with playful sisterly sly smile. My eyes grew wide, my body shivered violently, I'm pretty sure I also jumped a good couple of feet, freaking out in a panic.

Oh Ed.... She started saying, and would've finished if I hadn't lept up from my bed suddenly and threw my head over her mouth. Big mouth.... I mumbled.... She just gave this go on sort of smile. Ok, ok. So I told her what was on my mind, she hugged me petting my hair, as I leaned up against her shoulder all sad and stuff.

Farrah everything's gonna be ok. You don't know that! I snapped raising my voice, *sigh* Bella I'm.... Don't apologize, I get it, it's hard, you have a lot of pressure on you, tell your BFF your huge secret defeat the evil witch that has your dad under her spell and hope the world doesn't end aside from the rest of that. You're not helping I said laying my head in my hands resting my elbows on my knees.

Bella let out a *sigh* rubbing my back. Everything's gonna be ok Farrah you'll see. No it won't. Come on we've got training to do, and it starts now, right this sec. Wait don't I have to get dressed first? No because you're gonna have to shield yourself properly, so that I can't tickle you crazy for being all sad and stuff, she said letting out a soft chuckle.

Haha you're so funny Bella, I said sarcastically letting out a huff letting myself lay flat onto my bed, not thinking she really meant it. You're cute you know that? She asked me with that sly smile still playing on her lips. What are you talking about? I asked not taking my eyes off the ceiling.

You think I'm joking cause I'm not, and now it's your motivation. Create a proper shield, so that you don't die laughing. Bella don't! She reached out for me I raised my hands up to interlock mine with her own, before she could attack. Bella no!

Shield yourself and you won't get attacked. She said laughing back. Since I knew there was no way I was gonna win, I dropped my arms out from under her and moved out of the way so that she fell on the bed and not me, saw my door wide open and ran right out of it looking back every once and a while to see if she had followed me, but that wasn't smart cause I knocked right into the last person I wanted to see in the situation I had put myself into.

Haha you ok there little one? You seem to have ran into me. Sorry E. What are you running from anyway, which one of us is after you? Why should I tell you, you'd just betray me and capture me until they finally get down here?! Who me? He asked mock hurt with a sly smile on his face. Now why would I do that?

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms, because you're all evil! What no? He said sarcastically. Edward I know you're being sarcastic. Really I haven't noticed. If you're not gonna help me than move down wind! Tell me whose after you and maybe I'll let you go.

Why you'll just be on her side. Her? So that means Rose, Alice, Bella, or my daughter. So it must be Bella considering it's her turn to deal with you. Yeah ok you win, now move! How about please? Fine please move?! Why are you running from her?

Why are you distracting me? And why are you just standing there instead of attacking? I asked realizing why he was playing 20 questions. I spun around facing Bella. So you want me to attack you? That's not what I said! Suddenly I was trapped in Edward's arms.

Traitor! Let me go! Ok Bella she's all yours. I yipped freaking out before I was even touched focusing on creating a shield. It worked. I felt nothing. I had created a proper shield. You can get rid of the shield now. No way not taking any chances! Farrah seriously I'm done trying to motivate you now. Not gonna work Bells.

Farrah? Fine. As soon as I let my guard down I got trapped in a group hug. Farrah you know why that particular attack was your motivation? She didn't wait for me to answer back. Because you've been really upset the last couple of days freaking out over what happens after you go back home. I just wanted to cheer you up by putting a smile on your face, so I used your own "special" weakness against you to motivate you into providing yourself a perfect proper shield, and you did.

It only however accomplished one out of the two things I wanted it to do, but I'll leave you alone for that, besides if anyone's gonna do that part Edward would gladly, I don't want to take that special family bond away from you guys, your practically brother and sister instead of cousins, and I don't want to take that away.

We just want you to slow down and maybe take a well deserve deep breath, we're right here, we're not gonna leave your side, we just want you to be happy. I know how you feel, your mother was my aunt, and my mother and Esme know how you feel too, they lost their sister.

If it weren't for the fact that Edward and his family aren't actually related to one anther, then I might not be able to be with him in the first place. Even though your family is broken you still have plenty of people who love you. Us. Your dad your BFF and his sister, your mermaid friends, your cousins on your dad's side. The only person that doesn't is your step mom, and you're gonna defeat her, and we'll do it together.

I have some advice for you. First of all IDK what's gotten into Jacob and his friends but, they've been acting crazy, so if you can't learn to run with the pack werewolves are faster than vampires if you can't keep up with them and aren't faster than them you're gonna get yourself killed.

I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but keep it in mind, that should be your motivation to do well on your test tomorrow. Now go to sleep you'll need all the energy you'll need tomorrow and your test starts in the woods 8:00 sharp. Don't worry if anything goes wrong we'll be there to lend a hand, just don't need any you don't want anything to go wrong.

Goodnight. Good luck tomorrow. Gee thanks Bella! No problem.

In her room that evening. Come on Jacob answer that damn phone!
Jacob: Hey Bella what's up?
Bella: I need a favor from you and the pack.
Jacob: What do you need?
Bella: Farrah's big test with her powers are tomorrow and I need you and the guys to motivate her.
Jacob: Sure thing how can we be of assistance?
Bella: So I told her you and the guys had been acting funny and that if she can't keep up with the pack or out run them she could get herself killed, since you know after all werewolves are faster than vampires.
Jacob: Ok you caught my attention, what do you want us to do?
Bella: Exactly that, pretend to go crazy and be evil, scare her enough to motivate her to do well on her test, run right behind her, if she starts slowing down or looks like she's losing the motivation speed up and try to block her, the woods to the meadow is far run even at vampire speed. If she wants to pass she has to beat you guys to the meadow, if she doesn't beat you guys she would've been dead.
Jacob: Ok got it I'll let the guys know. So I'm gonna guess she'll be in the woods.
Bella: Yeah Edward will mind message her to tell her the test is starting, you'll know when it starts because he'll tell you at the same time, he'll tell her she better run if she doesn't want to "die." She'll hopefully take off, but if she doesn't even if she does give like a little growl or a small bark at her to get her started, you guys running after her should motivate her enough to keep her going chase her all the way to the meadow. Make sure she gets there first.
Jacob: Ok great, oh this will be fun.
Bella: It's about to get even better for your part Jake.
Jacob: Go on.
Bella: Once she gets to the meadow all the other guys need to rush off so it leaves just the two of you. She won't realize that you've gone back to your playful self and still be scared, then comes the fun part, you know how she's been kind of down lately?
Jacob: Yep got it the guys take off once she gets to the meadow leaving just us, I love where this going, you want me to cheer her up of some sort, cause as her BFF here in Forks, you know I don't like her being sad, and will happily do whatever it takes to make her happy again.
Bella: Good, she'll freak out brace for attack and you'll roll your eyes after pouncing on her making her think she's gonna get eaten and then lick her feet silly.
Jacob: I bet that's what you were gonna say, she's so ticklish it's funny watching her squirm, she hates it when I do that, but as my dog wolf form how can I not, it comes with the being playful part.
Bella: Good, then when she's distracted change back to your human form and reach up to attack her sides, we'll let it go on for a while before Edward and I step in. our plan was to somehow get her to use all her vampire powers, to make sure we know she's been trained well, but now she's expecting you guys to be crazy, and evil, but she doesn't know that you guys will be faking it the entire time, she'll be well prepared for when she goes back.
Jacob: Yeah, aside from Justin, I'm her BFF, she's gonna kill you guys for tricking her like that.
Bella: No, because once she's good and laughing, she'll try to attack back and there's nothing sweeter then a girl and her dog/BFF playing and having fun, or in our case nothing weirder, but you know still very sweet, then a vampire with her werewolf bestie having nothing but a good old time.
Jacob: Yeah, yeah I get it woods at 8:00 sharp wait for Edward's signal, bark at her, get the guys to chase her to meadow motivate her to use her powers on us, pass the test by beating us to the meadow, play with her and cheer her up after her being sad.
Bella: Yeah great, I told her I wasn't gonna gonna bug her today about cheering up, told her that was Edward's job and left her alone, so she's waiting to be cheered up just not licked to death by her dog BFF.
Jacob: Well sounds fun see you tomorrow can't wait!

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