chapter four James and Lily Potter

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      The summer at the Dursley's was going okay. That is until Aunt Marge arrived. She was very like Uncle Vernon; Large, beefy, and purple-faced, she even had a mustache, though not as bushy as his. They were all sitting at the table, Dudley was eating his fourth slice of pie. When Marge decided to start on Harry.

"It all comes down to blood, as I was saying the other day. Bad blood will out. Now, I'm saying nothing against your family, Petunia"- She patted Aunt Petunia's bony hand with her shovel-like one-" but your sister was a bad egg. They turn up in the best families. Then she ran off with a wastrel and here's the result right in front of us."

To no one knowledge of anyone inside, right outside of the house laying in the grass Lily and James Potter very much alive listening to everything Marge is saying.

"I'm not a bad egg," said Lily to James.

"Right, and I'm no wastrel do you think we can curse her we can't get into any trouble as far as the ministry knows we are dead," said James pulling out his wand getting ready to curse Marge.

"No, we can't Harry's underage and has the trace they will think he did it," said Lily.

"Fine, but anymore smart remarks out of that beach whale and she will be getting cursed."

James put his wand back in his pocket.

Harry was staring at his plate, a funny ringing in his ears. Grasp your broom firmly by the tail, he thought. But he couldn't remember what came next. Aunt Marge's voice seemed to be boring into him like one of Uncle Vernon's drills.

"This Potter," said Aunt Marge loudly seizing the brandy bottle and splashing more into her glass and over the tablecloth, "you never told me what he did?"

"Because it's none of your business, Whaley whale," said James Outside.

Lily laughed "stop it, James."

Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were looking extremely tense. Dudley even looked up from his pie to gape at his parents.

"He- didn't work," said Uncle Vernon, with half a glance at Harry. "Unemployed."

"Unemployed, yeah I was only fighting against a dark lord that hated people like your fat ass," said James growing more angrier as they kept talking inside.

"As i expected!" said Aunt Marge, taking a huge swig of brandy and wiping her chin on her sleeve. " A no- account, good-for-nothing lazy scrounger who-"

"That's it, time for cursing," said James pulling out his wand and standing up to go after Marge.

Lily pulled James back on the ground. "No, we can't harm a muggle."

"He was not," said Harry suddenly. The table went very quiet. Harry was shaking all over. He had never felt so angry in his life.

"Don't do anything stupid Harry, you will get into trouble," said Lily knowing Harry can't hear her and about to do something he will regret.

"MORE BRANDY!" yelled Uncle Vernon, who had gone very white. He emptied the bottle into Aunt Marge's glass. "You, boy," he snarled at Harry. "Go to bed, go on-"

"Yes, Harry just go to bed before you do something you will regret," said Lily.

"No Vernon," hiccupped Aunt Marge, holding up a hand, her tiny bloodshot eyes fixed on Harry's. "Go on, boy, go on. Proud of your parents, are you? They go and get themselves killed in a car crash (drunk, I expect)-"

"We didn't die in a car crash," said Lily.

James was raising his wand towards Marge.

"No James," said Lily.

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