Chapter twenty The champions

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The next morning, everyone was watching people put their names in the cup when Fred and George came in. They had the bright idea of trying to put their names in after drinking a aging potion. But when they crossed the line, they were shot out and grew long white beards.

James and Sirius walked in and saw the boys.

"Oh, my look padfoot the Weasley twins dressed up as Dumbledore for Halloween," said James.

"Yes, it does look that way, but you know a few other people have dressed the same way," said Sirius.

"What are you two talking about it was the goblet that did it to us we tried to use an aging potion to cross the line," said Fred.

"I did warn you," said a deep, amused voice, and everyone turned to see Professor Dumbledore coming out of the Great Hall. He surveyed Fred and George, his eyes twinkling. "I suggest you both go up to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything as fine as yours."

Fred and George set off for the Hospital wing, accompanied by Lee, who was howling with laughter.

"Their beards were very fine weren't they Sirius," said James.

"Very fine must say makes me want to grow one myself," said Sirius.

"None of theirs are as fine as mine though," said Dumbledore stroking his beard.

"Correct Dumbledore yours is the finest of fine the master of all beards we might say the champion maybe your beard should enter into the tournament I think it would win the cup," said Sirius.

"Dear me, I can see where Professor McGonagall coming from maybe it's time for me to retire," said Dumbledore walking back into the Great Hall.

"I think we loved Prongs," said Sirius.

"Very loved we are the best," said James.

Later that night, was the drawing of the names they were all gathered in the Great Hall. After everyone was in James and Sirius came walking in both with long white beards. They walked up to the staff table and stood by Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, I think our beards are finer than yours now," said Sirius.

Dumbledore chuckled.

"Yeah, we are entering our beards into the tournament your beard is going down," said James.

"Okay take your seats so we can get started," said Dumbledore still laughing.

"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision," said Dumbledore. "I estimate that it required one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them to please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber"- he indicated the door behind the staff table- "Where they will be receiving their first instruction."

He took out his wand and gave a great sweeping wave with it; at once, all the candles except those inside the carved pumpkins were extinguished, plunging them into a state of semidarkness. The Goblet of Fire now shone more brightly than anything in the whole Hall, the sparkling bright, bluey-whiteness of the flames almost painful on the eyes. Everyone watched, waiting.... A few people kept checking their watches....

The flames inside the goblet turned suddenly red again. Sparks began to fly from it. Next moment, a tongue of flames shot into the air, a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it-the whole room gasped.

Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment and held it at arm's length, so that he could read it by the light of the flames, which had turned back to blue, white.

"The champion for Durmstrang," he read, in a strong, clear voice, "will be Viktor Krum."

A second piece of parchment shot out of the goblet.

"The champion for Beauxbatons," said Dumbledore, "is Fleur Delacour!"

Another parchment shot out of the goblet.

"The Hogwarts champion," he called, "is Cedric Diggory!"

"Excellent!" Dumbledore called happily as at last the tumult died down. "Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on you will contribute in a very real-"

But Dumbledore suddenly stopped speaking, and it was apparent to everybody what had distracted him.

The fire in the goblet had just turned red again. Sparks were flying out of it. A long flame shot suddenly into the air and borne upon it was another piece of parchment.

"Harry Potter," said Dumbledore.

"NO," said Lily.

"Harry Potter," said Dumbledore again.

"NO, HE NOT ENTERING," said Lily.

Dumbledore ignored her, "Harry potter up here if you please!"

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