chapter six Remus Lupin

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author's note: Alot of this story is going to mostly follow Lily and James so it won't be mostly copying from the book but if you want next part to contain certain events in story let me know in message and I will try to add it in for the readers that are reading as I'm posting. I will be trying to post new chapter daily. This may be one huge story that contains all of Harry's remaining years at Hogwarts. Hope you are all enjoying the story so far.

           It was the beginning of the term. The Hogwarts Express just arrived and all professors are supposed to be in the great hall for the sorting of the first years, but James and Lily were running late.

"Come on, Lily we are going to be late and Harry's going to be there any second," said James.

Lily was finally ready to go, and they started to walk down to the great hall for the feast.

"Do you think Harry know we are here and going to be professors?" Asked Lily.

"I don't think so Dumbledore wasn't going to tell him. I met with Dumbledore last night and was trying to get him to tell me who the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is, but he wouldn't tell me anything. I tried to get information from McGonagall also, but she wouldn't tell me anything either," said James.

"Yeah, I asked Severus and Hagrid but neither of them would tell me. I even tried to trick Hagrid into telling me anything, but he wouldn't let anything slip," said Lily.

"That's strange it was always so easy to get Hagrid to tell us information that he wasn't supposed to tell anyone. I think it is cool that Dumbledore made him a professor though. It seems like he has been the gamekeeper forever. I wonder if Harry plays Quidditch," said James.

"I wonder if he is going to be happy when he finds out that we are here. I'm sure most kids his age wouldn't like the fact of both of his parents being teachers at their school," said Lily turning a bit white.

"I'm sure he is going to be thrilled that we are here. Plus, it will give us more time to get to know him," said James.

James's statement made Lily feel a bit better. They finally reached the great hall all the staff were there already except for Professor McGonagall. Sitting in one chair was a man wearing an extremely shabby set of wizard's robes that had been darned in several places. He looked ill and exhausted. Though quite young, his light brown hair was fleckled with gray. James recognized him immediately as his best friend Lupin.

"Moony," said James tearing up at the sight of his best friend." I wonder if he knows we are back."

Remus didn't notice James and Lily walking up towards the staff table. The chairs were empty on both sides of Remus. James snuck up beside Remus.

"Professor Lupin can you scoot to the next seat so Professor L. Potter can sit next to me," said James.

Remus looked up at James.

"Pongs?" said Remus. "What, how are you alive?"

"We're back Remus the founders of Hogwarts brought us back in a way to reward Harry for what he did for the school last year," said James.

Remus stood up, pulling out his wand.

"Prove you are James Potter," said Remus.

"Do you think Dumbledore would have allowed us to be here if he wasn't a hundred percent sure that we are James and Lily Potter," said James looking into his best friends' eyes.

"Once again," demanded Remus pointing his wand at James hidden so none of the students could see what's going on. "PROVE YOU ARE JAMES POTTER!"

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