Chapter twenty-two Professor's meeting

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               In Dumbledore's office stood James, Sirius, Lily, Dumbledore, and McGonagall.

"Dumbledore, I refuse for you to let my son compete," said Lily.

"I'm sorry Lily, there is nothing that I can do about it. Harry has to compete," said Dumbledore.

"No, he doesn't he is underage and as his mother I refuse to give him permission to compete in this dangerous tournament people have died in this tournament Dumbledore and my son isn't going to be the next one," said Lily.

"He doesn't need your permission, Lily. Fudge and Bagman already said the decision is final Harry has to compete in this tournament," said Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore there is a rumor that Trelawney has made a prediction that Voldemort will be coming back in the final task. What if he kills Harry, you know what the prophecy said when Harry was born one of them has to die for the other to survive. Have you ever thought that maybe one of Voldemort's Followers have put Harry name in the Goblet of Fire to trap Harry," said James?

"There is no Followers here though, James," said Dumbledore.


"Severus Snape is no longer loyal to Voldemort," said Dumbledore.

"What if he is Dumbledore, What if your wrong about him. And what about Karkaroff he was known to be a follower as well are you sure he isn't still loyal to Voldemort," said James.

"I don't think he is," said Dumbledore.

"See Dumbledore that the problem you're not sure but someone here is trying to trap Harry and if Trelawney prediction is right Voldemort will be back at the end of the year," said James.

"Yes, so maybe it's time for us to get the Order of Pheonix back together just in case," said Dumbledore.

"Just in case Dumbledore if he comes back Harry will be sent right into his hands my boy will be killed is that what you want," said Lily.

"Of course, I don't want Harry to be killed but for now we need to keep him close and give him all the support we can and not tell him about the chance of Voldemort returning. I'm sure the young man has enough on his mind right now let's not add to it," said Dumbledore. "And if it makes you feel better Sirius keep an eye on Severus and James you do the same to Karkaroff if you get evidence, they're doing work for Voldemort come to me immediately and I will handle it until then we should all get to bed, we have long days ahead of us," said Dumbledore.

All of them went to their separate rooms except for James, Lily and Sirius who went down to James and Lily's room.

"Sirius you follow Karkaroff around he doesn't know your Animagus, Snape does and if you follow Snape, he will know something up. I'll try to get more friendlier with Snape," said James.

"James, I don't think Severus is involved he has changed," said Lily.

"I hope your right, Lily, but until we know for sure he needs to be watched," said James.

"James is right, Lily, if he is involved and we ignore it Harry is in more danger if we are watching them both maybe we can catch them and stop them before Voldemort returns," said Sirius.

"Fine but your wrong about Severus," said Lily.

"Lily get some rest and just worry about keeping that baby safe we will keep Harry safe," said Sirius. "I will also write to Remus tonight to see if he has any idea of what can be happening right now."

"Sounds like a plan padfoot," said James.

"What if Peter is still here and he put Harry's name in the goblet he might be hiding in his Animagus form still," said Lily.

"Yeah, James you should keep an eye on the map see if you see Peter on it," said Sirius.

"I can't I gave the map back to Harry after term ended last year," said James.

"Ask him if we can borrow it," said Sirius.

"He will know something up and get curious. Dumbledore right about that part we have to keep Harry in the dark about Voldemort," said Lily.

"I agree if we asked him for it back, he would start looking more into things," said James.

"I will start watching for rats and if I see any I'll hit them with the spell that would turn Peter back if it's him," said Sirius.

"It's worth a try," said James.

They all went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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