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The bell woke me out of my sleep and I loathed it. It meant back to the hallway of shame. Eyes staring at you with disgust, whispers about lies someone made up in spite and most of all, him. Mentally, I was so far gone in my thoughts that I began to physically freak out. I was shaky, and my palms were sweating. My breathing and heart rate accelerated, and I looked around frantically. But I guess my reflexes forgot to tell me that there was a person in front of me. Looking up, I saw the blonde she-devil in pink. The one and only Savannah Brown, also known as Tyler's girlfriend.

"Excuse you, slut," she hissed.

Here we go with the name-calling again.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and tried to keep on going but for some odd reason, everyone just has to give their opinion on my sweet, innocent self. Note my sarcasm.

"Ew, she's looking at us. Maybe if we ignore her, she'll go away," one of her wannabe bitches said, making the others laugh and agree.

I sighed in frustration and walked on to my locker... Until Savannah decided that she wasn't quite done.

"Let me ask you a question, Raven," she questioned, saying my name with so much malice. "Why were you so desperate to steal my boyfriend?"

So that's what he told her. That bastard. I'm stuck between 'You really need to know the truth' and 'Since when do I have to answer to you?' But the more that I thought about it, it didn't matter if she knew or not. She'd always believe the story that she was first told. But then I don't want to dig myself into a bigger hole than I'm already in.

So... What do I do?

Right when that very thought passes through my mind, Tyler shows up, putting his arm around Savannah's waist. He has a wicked smirk playing on his face and I gulp nervously, looking for a way out of this.

"What's up, babe? Hey girls and... Bitch," he says, staring at me evilly.
"Just asking her why she was so set on stealing you from me when no one's better than me. Plus her body isn't all that great anyway," she said, whispering that last part.

At least she had the decency to whisper it instead of blurting her thoughts out to the whole school. So thanks for that, I guess.

"Oh, I know. Ain't nobody got anything on you, sexy," he said, squeezing her hip and kissing her neck.

I do a silent gag and turn around, deciding that I need to gain some backbone and just leave. Fuck them and everyone else. They don't even like me, so why would they care if I left anyway? As I walk away, I hear Tyler screaming something at me but I graciously bless him with the sight of my middle finger while heading down to my locker then to my next class. What was I saying? Ah yes, again - fuck them, do me.

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