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When I went to class, we had a new student at the front of the classroom. He looked pretty nervous and was very handsome. I wonder where he came from. But as good-looking as he was, there was no way that he was going to get close to me. I'd be damned if someone else that claims to be my friend betrays me again.

"...Um, is everyone here?" Ms. Michaels asked, looking around then looking at her clipboard. "I'm pretty sure that everyone is. Well, we have a new student with us today. He will introduce himself and everyone will introduce themselves so he has a feel of his homeroom. You may start," she said, nudging the new kid.
"Um, my name is Gabriel Rodriguez, I'm 16, I'm from Phoenix, Arizona, I'm obviously a junior, and I'm pretty good at math, I guess," he finished.

The girls literally drooled at him while most of the guys sat with expressionless faces, except Tyler. Why? Because his little blonde bimbo was one of the girls fawning over Gabriel. He gave a dazzling smile at the girls and they all giggled as high-pitched as humanly possible. I rolled my eyes at them and slumped back in my seat. Other than his pretty face, there was nothing different about this class. Just the douchebag guys and the stuck-up and/or stupid girls.

"My name is Savannah Brown, I'm 16, too and I'm really glad that you came to our school," she gushed, batting her eyelashes and twirling her hair with a sickeningly sweet voice.


The class all introduced themselves and it finally came down to me in the back of the class. I stood up and rolled my eyes at the class staring at me like I was some type of alien.

"I'm Raven, I'm 16, and whatever."

Gabriel rose an eyebrow at me and I flashed a fake smile before I returned to my original scowl, sitting down in the process. I can't show him that I'm even interested in him by any means possible no matter how good of a mood I'm in. I was deadass about him not getting close to me. Then I saw that in front of me there was an empty desk. I looked around the room, looking for another one but there was just this one. This wasn't about to be some fairytale about how some sexy, Spanish kid saves the outcast. Nope. I put my book bag right in the seat as soon as he glances at it. He stares at me and I stare back just as hard. This wasn't happening to me, it just wasn't.

"Do you see anywhere that you want you sit?" Ms. Michaels innocently asked.

He keeps staring at me as something flashes through his eyes.

Don't you fucking dare. I squint my eyes.

"I think I see somewhere," he smirks.

Too late, his eyes laugh at me.

"Where?" Ms. Michaels asks, drawing out the suspense.
"There," he says, pointing to the seat right in front of me.

Are you serious? Oh, wait. This is me we're talking about. Right, of fucking course.

He walks over to me as I hear Savannah and the other girls scoff in the background. They all try to move each other out of their seats so they could make room for him but he was focused on one person and unfortunately, that person was me. When he got to the seat, he smiled sweetly and looked at my book bag. I just looked back because I wasn't going to move it. If he wanted to sit here, he was going to move it himself and we'll see how far he gets with that.

"Excuse me, Raven but this is my new seat," he said with a hint of humor in his voice.
"We'll see about that," I snorted.
"Okay then," he said, taking my book bag off of the seat.
"Hey! Don't touch that!" I yelled.

His face blushed right to the tips of his ears at the attention we were gaining but he didn't stand down.

"Sorry but I need to sit down," he said.
"Well sit somewhere else," I hissed.
"If there were anywhere else, I think I'd take that seat," he mused.
"Why don't I believe you?"
"You don't have to if you don't want to. It's your call, Raven," he said.
"Stop saying my name," I said, looking around.
"Raven, Raven, Raven," he mocked.

I glared at him and took in his beauty. He had gorgeous brown curls in his hair and mesmerizing green eyes (A/N - Pretend they're green) compared to my dull brunettes. His voice was adorable with an noticeable Western accent, considering that we're Ohio. I would imagine that he says 'soda' while we say 'pop'. He had the most beautiful physique and the cutest pout was on his face as we argued. So I decided to stop... For now. If he messes with me again, he won't get any mercy.

"Whatever, just sit down and leave me alone, Gabriel."
"Please, call me Gabe," he said, flashing me that delicious smirk.

I swallowed down the urge to touch him and spat, "Please shut up."

"Whatever you say," he sang.

I rolled my eyes and waited for the first bell to ring so I get out of this boy's sexually frustrating presence.


Lunch finally rolled around and I sighed in relief. It turns out that he was in 6 of my 8 classes. Someone please shoot me. He's been almost following me and I can't take it anymore. I don't know if he likes to mess with me or likes me in general but whatever it is, it's got to stop. I sigh, putting my hand over my face. Can't I get a break? If it's not one thing, it's another. First, it was betrayal then ridicule, now it's frustration mixed with temptation then lastly, rejection. He can act like he likes me because now he's new and oblivious to everything but give it time. He's going to find out then reject me like everyone else and that's something I don't want to go through again. Just leave me alone.

"Is something the matter?" A smooth, sultry voice asks.

I take my hand off my face and look up then around. He can't be talking to me again. Has anyone counted how many times that I basically told him to fuck off? And he's back? Persistence is something this kid obviously never runs out of.

"No, this is just my natural face, dear," I say sarcastically.
"Well, sorry about that. I wonder if we could possibly change that," he laughed.
"Sorry but that's impossible around here."
"How much do you want to bet?" he asked, placing his tray on the table and sitting down across from me.
"All of your money," I said.
"I'm broke at the moment. Maybe tomorrow, maybe never. I wouldn't count on tomorrow by the way."
"As soon as you said 'never', I knew that was the answer." I said.
"You're so negative. Why?" He asked, looking genuinely concerned.
"Because I am. So since we're asking all these questions, why are you following me?" I asked, finally getting that off of my chest.
"First I only asked one question--"
"Two. You asked me what was the matter when you came to my table," I pointed out.
"Well, I only asked two questions and I'm not following you. You're my friend, sort of and I like you so what are sort of friends for, right?"

Damn, I hate to burst this kid's bubble but I'm just protecting myself.

"Yeah, we're not friends." I deadpanned.
"Okay then, acquaintances?" He asked carefully.

There was an awkward silence and he looked like a kicked puppy with the saddest look on his face. I may be hurt but I'm not heartless.

"Maybe we're somewhere around the acquaintance area," I mumbled.
"I knew it! You couldn't resist the Gabriel Rodriguez!"
"Do you want me to, because I can, you know," I said.
"Um, you know what? I'm gonna leave this subject for another time," he said, nodding to himself.
"That's the first bright idea that came out of you today."
"Ha ha," he laughed sarcastically. "Not funny."
"I object, your honor," I mocked, the sides of my lips curling into a smirk at the look in his face.

He started to look around at everyone else then stared at me for the lost time before asking, "Why are you so lonely? Is your friend sick today or something?"

Yeah, I thought to myself. She got sick, died, and turned into stupidity in heels.

"No, I don't have any friends."
"Why not?"
"What is this? 20 Questions?" I growled, irritated.
"I just want to know more about you, Raven. You're intriguing."
"And you're stupid. What's it to you?"
"We're acquaintances, remember?" He sang happily.
"Whatever my ass. You love me," he laughed.
"Keep telling yourself that, Gabe."

At that slip up came the brightest, most radiant smile I've seen from him all day. Maybe I do like him a little.

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