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"What the hell is this?!"

A mom that just finds out that her angelic child just got detention for a month isn't a happy mom. And a mom that's not happy is a mom you probably don't want to be around. Luckily, for me, I brought a visitor so she can't kill me. But since he's a boy, he's most definitely not staying the night, so unfortunately for me, she'll be sharpening her knife while she waits for my guardian angel to leave.

"Uh, yeah mom. We'll discuss this later but this is my friend, Gabriel." I said quickly, hoping she'd change the subject.
"Are you serious? You haven't brought home a friend since freshman year. Nice to meet you, Gabriel." She squeaked excitedly.
"Nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Blue." He said, smiling.

I know that look. What is that little shit up to?

"When I first saw you, I thought you were her sister," he added.

My mother blushed and giggled like a girl flirting with her first crush. Gabriel just flashed her a perfect smile and I just rolled my eyes. Too bad my mom caught it.

"Raven, roll those eyes again." She warned.

Gabriel smirked and I had to count to ten to resist the urge to smack that cocky smirk right off of his face. I took him by the arm and pulled him to my room, slamming the door in the process. My mom yelled something else but I didn't want to hear it.

"You're sick." I said.
"Nah, it's called flattery, princess."
"Stop that shit."

I held back a smile and watched as he got closer and closer to me, stopping just before our lips touched.

"What was that?" He breathed.
"Stop that nickname stuff." I whispered.
"You know you like it," he teased.
"No, actually I hate it," I said, a smirk playing on my lips.
"Liar." He accused.
"Just shut up and kiss me, you bitch," I muttered.

Knocking me over on my bed, he kissed me with a passion that made the dirty dreams I've had come to mind. I moaned at the thought if them happening in real life, and in response, I got his tongue in my mouth. He gripped my waist and pulled back with his eyes glazed over with lust.

"I want you." He whispered.
"Take me." I responded.
"Be mine, please?" He asked.

That stopped me from groping at his clothes. That stopped me from trying to kiss him. That stopped me from breathing.

"Be. Mine." He enunciated each word as if I couldn't understand, and at the moment, I couldn't.
"But, I don't- What about what's-her-name?" I asked, dumbfounded.
He chuckled and said, "I don't want What's-her-name, Rave."
"So why the hell do you want me?" I said, squeezing my eyebrows together in a confused face.
"Because you're beautiful, independent, and imperfectly perfect. And you make purple look delicious," he purred.
"That's the heat of the moment talking." I concluded.
"No, I saw the chance and took it. Did that kiss at the school mean anything to you?" He asked.
"Yeah, it sure did," I mumbled. "But obviously not to you because you went after mega-bitch anyways." I said, the frustration dampening my mood. "Let me up." I commanded.
"Nope. You're not doing this. Give in to me, baby." He said, burying his head in my neck, his words vibrating my weak area.
"Leave me alone. Get up." I said shakily.
"That was before I knew what happened. I thought you were just jealous and I liked it on you. It made me believe you really cared," he said quietly, placing gentle kisses along my neck.

I sighed in content before I responded to him. Tilting my head back to give him more access, the words spilled out like a fountain.

"Of course, I care about you, Gabe. I, ugh, stayed with you this whole time, dimwit." I moaned.
"Thank you," he mumbled, laying back on top of me.
"No," I said before I could stop it. "Thank you."

He came up from my neck to look deep in my eyes. He genuinely smiled and I rolled my eyes with a blush.

"Don't expect that too much, asswipe." I muttered.
It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Way to ruin the moment, Raven, but I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Good because you won't get it any other way." I replied snidely.
"So... Whose are you?" He asked timidly.
I laughed at his sudden shyness. "Yours, baby. Now give me what I want, you fucking tease."
"You asked for it, princess." He snickered smugly, his normal confidence returning.

And damn, did he give it to me...


(3 months later)

"Hey princess." A smooth voice greeted with a pair of arms that wrapped around me, succeeding in scaring me shitless.
"Damn it, Gabriel! What did I tell you about that shit?" I cursed.
"Sorry babe. You just looked so perfect standing there."
"What? In your American Apparel underwear?" I asked sarcastically, quoting She Looks So Perfect.
"Yes, Raven," he laughed adorably, playing along.

He put his neck on my shoulder, looking into a locker he's seen a million times. But suddenly he turns to the right, and I mimic him to see Savannah coming down the hallway at us. I scoff at her presence and we glare at her with twin cold, unforgiving eyes. She hesitates before leaving. I sigh in relief and I kiss Gabe's cheek.

"I didn't want to be bothered with her. Thank you, dear," he said.
"No, thank you." I replied.

There's the end of Nudes! I loved this book and Raven is such a trip! But she's lovable in her own way, and finally got the happy ending she deserved! Thanks for taking a trip on the crazy train for this book and until the next one! xx


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