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What? Another update on the same day? Yeah, just because I love you guys! xx

"Why are you so angry?" The guidance counselor asked me.
"Everyone in this school is an idiot. That's why I'm angry."
"Now don't be like that, Raven. I'm not an idiot."
"Don't flatter yourself," I mumbled.
"Raven, don't do this, please. I'm trying to help you." She pleaded.
"I don't need help," I muttered, turning my head away from her ever curious eyes.
"I beg to differ because if I remember correctly, you came to me. So please let me help."
"I came here to get out of class and to eat the candy on your desk. I don't need a therapy session."
"Oh, right. You didn't come to the guidance counselor for counseling." She said, her words dripping with sarcasm.
"Nope." I said, just to anger her into letting me leave.

I don't know why I wondered into her office but all I know is that she's not letting leave. She believes that there just has to be something wrong with me for me to act like this. And she's right but what under the sun makes her think I'd tell her what it is? I don't know this lady, let alone trust her. I wouldn't tell a priest and they're obligated not to tell, no matter how dumb or horrible it is.

"Miss Simmons, it's getting late into the day and my teachers are going to be worried about where I am. Then the work that I'm going to have to make up. I don't even want to think about it." I rambled on.

We've been at this for an hour and honestly, I'd rather just deal with whatever's in my classes.

"Okay, okay, Raven. But this," she pointed between me and her, "isn't over. You are to be here during your study hall everyday. Just this month."
"Uh, yeah. Not possible. Believe it or not, I actually use my study hall. I like to rest when I go home. I'd rather not prolong school." I grumbled.
"Well, this month, your study hall is our study hall." She explained, gesturing between us again.
"Oh, joy. I look forward to that like I look forward to dying." I said with a humorless chuckle.
"Stop that. I'm going to fix you mentally. That's a promise!" She called out while I went to her candy jar, grabbing myself a handful, and left out the door with a salute.

Walking down the hall, I see Gabriel at Savannah's locker. Savannah sees me and smirks. Gabriel was just about to look back before she shot her lizard hand out and kept his focus on her. I almost got his attention but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that she can have him. The bastard. He chose who he wanted. Sayonara bitches.

If it's not one problem smirking at me, it's another walking towards me. Tyler saunters over to me with a grin plastered on his demonic face. Of course, walking away faster never works but insanity tempts me to try again, knowing that he'll stop me regardless.

"Raven, Raven, Raven. Looks like your little "friend" took a liking to my girlfriend. I mean, who wouldn't, but tell that bitch to back off. She's mine and if he tries anything, he's dead." He promised.
"You go tell him. I'm not his babysitter or his messenger. And that's your damn girlfriend, tell her to stop flirting with someone that's not you. But you know, that'll go right through one ear and out the other because she's just a slut with a smile trying to get her hands on whoever she thinks is worthy for the week." I ranted harshly.
"You shut your whore mouth!" He said, slamming me against the lockers.
"This is so familiar. But I just can't remember where this from. Deja vu, maybe?" I said sarcastically.

He growled at me, telling me how much he hated me and how I was an annoying slut. Yeah, yeah, come up with something original, asshat. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gabriel staring at me with guilt swimming in his eyes. He came running over, even though I put my hand up, signaling for him to stay put. As soon as Tyler saw him, he charged at him, sending them crashing to the ground. After regaining my breath, I pulled Tyler off of him but not without a price to pay. I got a slap to the face for even touching him and that sent Gabriel into an uproar. He grabbed Tyler by the collar and punched him in the face. Savannah screamed and I had to pull Gabriel off of him. I flinched when he came around and his face softened.

"What's going on, Raven? Why'd he just do that? Why'd you stop me? I'm going to rip him to shreds!" He yelled.

I chuckled on the inside at all the questions he asks when he's panicked. Pushing that aside, I give him the most vague answer I could come up with.

"Uh, don't worry about it. Take your ass back to class, I've got this."
"You're joking right now, right? Raven, he slapped you in the face and before that, he slammed you into a locker! Are you insane? Are you into this kind of stuff because if I don't get answer, I'm going to kill him!"
"Stop flirting with my fucking girlfriend!" Tyler buts in. "And tell your little whore to get away from me!"
"I don't want Savannah! We're friends!", he said, lying through his teeth. "And why did you call Raven a whore? She's not a whore or anything like it! She's hurt and people need to stop treating her like she's dirt!" He complained.
"She is dirt," Tyler muttered. "Go ahead and tell him, Raven," he said, facing me. "Or I will."

Gabriel looks at me with curiosity and concern on his face, while Tyler laughs at how he cornered me. I stare at them with hatred, before I open my mouth to try to word this correctly, trying not to scare off the only person in this school who gives a damn about me since this happened.

"Well, I--"
"It was all my fault!"

All of our heads turned to Savannah as tears rolled down her rosy red face.

"Damn right!" I hissed.

She made a face at me and continued.

"It was all me. I didn't mean for it to go is far but it did." She said shamefully.
"But why?" I asked, more hurt than angry.

Cliffhanger! Haha, I'm so evil! Tune in next time! And shoutout to _sincerelyAuggyPooh and @lovejakeypooh for commenting on my books! I know I haven't asked for it much anymore but it really motivates to write. So thanks for the love, ladies! And basically shoutout to all those that vote as well. Thank you! You inspire me as well! Love you all and until the next chapter!

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