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"Oh, please! Don't stop!" I screamed.
"Let it go, baby." The sexy voice whispered breathlessly in my ear.
"I'm gonna, I'm gonna-- ugh!"

I shot up out of my bed with wide eyes and a sweaty body for seems like the millionth time this week. Ever since that brat kissed me last week, he's been the star of all my... uh... naughty dreams. It embarrasses me to no end that I think of him like this because last time I checked, I'm not even supposed to like this kid.

I haul myself out of bed and get ready for the day. After breakfast, I head to school. Going to my locker, I see the same curly haired twerp that keeps showing up in my dreams just standing there. When I catch his eye, he smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"Hello princess." He mused.
"You're getting to comfortable with this, you punk," I spat.
"Well, who pissed in your cereal today?" He asked innocently, like I'm not like this everyday.
"You, motherfucker," I said, gathering my books in one hand. "Now let's get to class," I mumbled, shutting my locker.

The walk to class was a quiet one until I see Savannah in the distance. I immediately tense up and start to pull Gabriel the other way until he notices her, too. He starts pulling against me to go over to her. I ignore the hurt making its way into my heart and pull him harder. What makes it even worse is that she motioning him to go over there. Sick of this dumb game of tug-of-war, I yank him towards me and storm off around the other way. He scowls at me and I scowl back at him.

"Let go of me!" He commanded as snatches his arm out of my iron grip.

I flinch at his sudden dominance but refuse to stand down. He knows damn well why he can't go see Savannah. He's not that dumb, right?

"What's your problem?" He asks me with the angriest face I've ever seen on him.

I stand corrected. He is that dumb.

"You know what. Go see her. Go see the girl that caused your so-called friend so much pain. Go see your fucking girlfriend but don't come running to me when she's a backstabbing whore." I pointed out rudely.

I stormed off and went all the way around the school to get to class. I was late, very late, and I got yelled at by the teacher, making Savannah and her stupid clones laugh. She doesn't intimidate me in any way so it didn't make me feel bad but what speared my heart was Gabriel sitting with her, laughing away. I clenched my teeth and looked away before I went on a homicidal rampage.

A few minutes into the class, I glance over to see Savannah kiss Gabriel's cheek and that was the last straw. I went up to the teacher, telling him that I was using the restroom. He told me that I wasn't allowed but I didn't give two shits. I took all of my stuff and rushed out of the door with a speed that would break Quicksilver's heart. (A/N - Avengers reference😂) I went to the restroom like I said I would and threw everything on the floor. I looked in the mirror, staring at my reflection. Dozens of questions raced through my mind all at once until I remembered...

"Don't tell anyone but I think that I like Savannah."

She's doing it again. Taking someone that's close to me, and I loathe her for it. But I'm not going to stop him. If he wants her, he can have her. He is nothing to me.

But despite the angry rant in my head, I choke on a sob and wipe viciously at my watering eyes. Not again. Not. Again. The pain in my heart is to the point where I can physically feel it and I refuse to make myself sick over a traitor. I'm angry, I'm disappointed, I'm hysterical.

I'm jealous.

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