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(Bold - Flashback)

I walked into the school, happy as ever. My best friend greeted me at the door and we walked to our lockers, talking and laughing about boys and classes. Then as I got out a book for my first class, Tyler (one of the most popular juniors) comes up to me and asks me my name.

"My name's Raven," I said with a blush.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl. I'm--"
"Tyler Connor, I know. You're pretty well known around here."
"Well nice to know. Hey, I can walk you to class if you'd like," he said, rubbing his neck.
"Of course! Just let me shut this and we're off!" I babbled, shutting my locker.

He chuckled at me and began to walk with me at his side all the way to my math class. I groaned and he looked at me funny before asking me what was wrong.

"I'm so bad at math and I don't want to hear him yap about it for 45 minutes either," I sighed.
"I'm pretty good at math. I could always tutor you if you need it," he offered.
"Really? How does tomorrow sound?" I asked.
"Give me a time and place and I'll be there," he promised.
"Um... Right after school and my place?"
"Sounds good. We can just meet up at the door and I'll take you home so we can, you know, study," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Okay then..." I say, trailing off.

We exchange smiles, blushes and goodbyes before I go inside the room, dazed and confused but definitely not complaining.


"Girl, guess who just got a date with Tyler Connor?" I told my best friend, Savannah, at lunch.
"Are you serious?!" she screamed.

I'm sure my grin was as big as the table we were eating on. I shushed her so we wouldn't attract too much attention.

"How did you get a date with him?" she asked curiously.
"He came up to me this morning and asked me what my name was then offered to walk me to class. After that, I started complaining about my math class and he offered to tutor me. It's tomorrow at my house."
"Omg, I'm so proud of you! Now all I have to do is get me someone to love," she said with a small smile.
"You know that you can always get one of his friends..." I reminded her.
"Yeah, I know."
"You should at least try for one. You're smart, pretty, and have a fantabulous personality. You can get anyone you want."

Little did I know that she was gunning for Tyler, too.


(The Next Day)

After a long day of school, the end of the day finally rolled around. Time for me and Tyler to go to my house to study. We met up at the back entrance and went into his car. Once we were buckled in, we drove off to my house. As soon as we got into the house, he grabbed me and kissed me with a passion. He put so much tongue into the kiss that it made me dizzy. My mind begged for him to slow down but my body was saying something completely different. He pushed us onto the couch and laid on top of me. We eventually faded from the kiss for some air, but as soon as he tried to kiss me again, I pushed him back lightly.

"What's wrong?" He asked, confused.
"Nothing. It's just that we never studied yet."
"We just got here. Loosen up a little, babe," he said, brushing his lips with mine.

I melted into yet another kiss and all thoughts of studying sailed out the window as soon as his lips met mine. Let's just say that we never got to study that day. I know what you're thinking and no, we didn't get any farther than kissing. He respected my boundaries and left about 10 minutes before my mom got home. He was very impressive and I just soaked it all in. To be honest, I was falling for this amazing guy and at this rate, he could do no wrong.

Too bad he proved that to be wrong.

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