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Gabriel Rodriguez. He's not too bad, I guess. But I'm starting to get soft around him and I can't do that. The looks that I've been getting from Tyler are starting to irritate me and I wish he'd go back to sucking face with Savannah or something. It's the last period of the day, one of the 2 classes that I'm alone in, and I can't wait to get home and sort my brain out.

"Hey Rave," Tyler says, coming up to me.
"Don't ever call me that and what the hell do you want?" I asked, rolling my eyes.
"I see that you have a new friend. Does he know yet?" He asks.
"He's not my friend." He rose an eyebrow. "We're acquaintances," I grumbled.
"Oh, someone cares about you again. How cute. What next? Is he going to be your little boyfriend?" He teased.
"Does it matter? Plus, what's it to you, anyway?"
"Well, I just want to save you the pain by telling him mys--"
"Don't you even dare. I'll tell him myself. You just stay out of his way." I warned.
"We'll see about that." He said, strutting away.

Ugh! He pisses me off so bad! Unfortunately, this is one of the classes that he's not in so I can't keep an eye on him and God forbid anyone leaves him alone, especially with him hanging out with me of all people. I felt blood pumping and my heart rate go up. I literally just met him, I can't lose him so soon.

What the hell? What am I thinking?

It's gonna happen. He's no different.

But what if...?

What if my ass. He's gonna believe them and you'll have no one all over again. Why don't you just drop him already?

He makes me actually open up a little. But I can't tell if it's a good or bad thing.

Whatever. Do what you must but always remember, I told you so.

This whole thing is just ridiculous. The problem isn't the nudes because I know I look damn good naked but it's the lies and gossip that goes with it. And I don't want them sullying the perception of me towards my only acquaintance. My only friend. Ugh. Why me?

Just leave him alone this once, Tyler. I'll just have to owe you one this time.

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