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"Raven! I'm home!" My mother yelled from downstairs.
"I'll be down in a minute," I yelled back.

My sleep didn't last very long and I wish that she wouldn't have come home so soon. I go to the bathroom and get a washcloth out of the cabinet. Splashing it into some warm water, I wipe the tear stains off while trying to get that sleepy look off my face. After I feel like I look presentable, I head downstairs to see my mom.

"Hi Rave! How was school?"

Ugh, that question again. I hate lying but she can't know. She would be so disappointed and probably disown me or something. So I give my monotone, repetitive answer of an, "It was fine, Mom. How was your day?"

"It was good today. But this girl, Shannon Brown, came up to me about you knowing her daughter, Shalissa... Savannah... Sylvia... Something like that. Do you know her?"

Yeah, I know her alright. She's the backstabbing whore that stole not only my happiness but my boyfriend, too.

"I've heard her name before but I don't think I know her," I lied.
"Oh. She said that her daughter knew you though," she explained.

Now in school, I can tolerate quite a bit of shit but in my own damn home is where the line is drawn, and it has obviously been crossed. She's not allowed in this house physically, verbally, or mentally. I can't stand her and neither will my mom.

"Well, I don't know her so whatever, I guess," I said, trying to sound as least hostile as humanly possible.
"Okay. Do you want some Alfredo for dinner tonight?"
"Yeah, I'd like that."


Beep, beep, beep!
Beep, beep, beep!
Beep, beep, beep!

I groan, slamming my hand on my dresser, looking for my alarm clock. Once I hit the snooze button, I stretch and get up for the day. I pass my calendar looking at the date today. Ugh, it's only Tuesday. I head back to the bathroom, take a good shower, and put on some grey sweatpants and a white school spirit t-shirt along with some white Nike's and my hair in a messy bun. I honestly don't have to keep up my appearance anymore so what's the point of getting all dressed up for torture? When I'm ready to go, I tell my mom goodbye and head to my car. Looking for a decent radio station, I stumble across some DJ that's announcing some song called Hold My Hand by Jess Glynne. (A/N: I couldn't resist. That's my spring/summer obsession right there😍)

Standing in a crowded room and I can't see your face
Put your arms around me and tell me everything's okay
In my mind, I'm running 'round a cold and empty space
Put your arms around me and tell me everything's okay

Break my bones but you won't see me fall, oh
The rising tide will rise against them all, oh

Darling, hold my hand
Oh, won't you hold my hand?
'Cause I don't want to walk on my own anymore
Won't you understand?
'Cause I don't want to walk alone
I'm ready for this, there's no denying
I'm ready for this, you stop me falling
I'm ready for this, I need you all in
I'm ready for this so darling, hold my hand

Cute song, I think to myself. Well, it lifted my mood up so that's good. I kept the name in the back of my mind and spent the rest of my drive enjoying it. I came into school with a smile and a good mood. Everyone was staring at me, talking about me, doing the usual but I just couldn't bring myself to care today. I took out my phone and looked the song title up on Spotify. I put my headphones in once I found it and just blasted it as I walked the hallway. I really wanted to start dancing but I thought against it. I saw Tyler out of the corner of my eye and as soon as I caught his eye, I flipped him my middle finger while smirking to myself. All the unanswered questions from yesterday came back to mind and I mentally gave them the finger, too. This is gonna be a good day.

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