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"Remember that little stunt you pulled in the hallway?" Tyler literally spat at me.

I grimaced as I wiped the spit off of my face. Why there is so much animosity towards me is beyond me. If anything I should hate him, and I do. Him and Savannah's blonde, backstabbing ass.

"What the hell do you want from me? Seriously? Did I put your nudes out for the whole school to see? Did I make coming to school for you everyday a struggle and living hell? Did I make everyone you come into contact with become embarrassed by just even breathing the same air as you? What do you want?" I snapped, fighting the hot tears welling up in the back of my eyes.

All he did was smirk at me. He looked me dead in my watery eyes and had the audacity to smirk at me.

Until he kissed me.

And I kissed back.

I let the tears fall down my cheeks and cupped his face. He pulled away slowly and put his forehead to mine.

"I missed you," he whispered.

At that something inside me broke. I'm pretty sure that it was my heart. He wiped my tears and stroked my cheeks with his thumb. I closed my eyes, relishing his tender touch. He hand slid down my face and kept moving south until it got to my waist. He pulled me towards him and put his lips to my ear. I shivered, feeling a familiar tingling go down my spine. He chuckled lightly, gripping my waist a little tighter.

"And to think that I chose Savannah over you," he whispered. "Oh well, you weren't worth it, baby."

I winced back at that and slapped him as hard as I could. His head snapped the other way with a red handprint on his face. I couldn't believe that I fell for that. As if he'd want me, and on a normal day, I could say the same thing about him. He's ruining me.

"I hate you."

Leaving to my car, I felt those tears creep back up on me again. And this time, I didn't try to fight them. I sat in the driver's seat and just cried. I hit the steering wheel a million times as well as the door. I was so angry at him, at Savannah, at myself. Why me? I drove home and found the house empty. Luckily for me, I didn't want to be bothered with anyone at the moment or at all, for that matter. I trudged up to my bedroom, flopping on my bed. Thoughts crowded my brain and I desperately tried to go to sleep but they wouldn't leave me alone.

Why did he do that?
Why did you kiss back?
Did he technically just cheat on Savannah?
Will I be able to hold that moment against him?
Did he actually miss me?
Do you miss him?
What did I ever do to him?
Why would he want to do something like that to me?

The thoughts finally went away and I fell asleep peacefully, letting all the worries of my day drift away into soothing sleep.

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