Clash of the Titans on Olympus/Xigbar confronts Luxord

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At long last, the time had come. The planets were edging into perfect alignment and the plan Hades devised eighteen years ago was about to reach fruition. The Fates had predicted this very future—the day he would seize control of Olympus and rule over all the cosmos. Hades' previous attempts—using Terra, Cloud, and Auron to advance his plans for conquest—had failed. The hour was not yet right. But now, the planets were aligned and nothing could possibly go wrong. A wave of darkness lanced down from their celestial rank, and one by one, Hades freed the Titans from their prison—some of them the same monstrosities that Sora, Hikari and their friends had already fought and bested before. With both the Titans and his longing vengeance against Zeus reinvigorated, Hades began his attack on Olympus.

    By the time Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy arrived at Olympus, they found themselves in a rock tunnel at the Cliff Ascent

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    By the time Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy arrived at Olympus, they found themselves in a rock tunnel at the Cliff Ascent.

    "No fanfare?" Sora asked as he imitates the trumpet sound.

    Donald tries to hear anything but shook his head. "Un-uh..."

    Goofy walks up with Hikari and looks around. "Nope, looks like we missed the Coliseum."

    Donald looked angry. "Sora, you opened the gate!"

    "Donald, be nice!" Hikari said to the duck as she walked toward the mountain. "Sora's just a little off again. C'mon, we still have to go find Hercules."

    Donald frowned. "Up the mountain?"

    "I agree with Hikari," Sora said. ""Up" is the usual direction."

    Goofy smiled at Sora and Hikari. "Well, never hurts to have your head in the clouds."

    "Exactly!" Sora and Hikari said, smiling back.

    Goofy chuckled as he followed Sora and Hikari as Donald sighed.

    "Hey! We're leaving!" Sora called to Donald.

    Donald quacked as he catches up to Sora, Hikari and Goofy.

    Moments later, Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy arrived on the mountain edge.

    "I think we might be goin' in circles," Goofy said.

    Donald glared at the two. "Sora... Hikari..."

    "Did we make a turn at the wrong rock?" Sora asked Hikari.

    "Maybe," Hikari replied. Then she shouts, "Hey, Hercules! Where are youuu?"

    As Hikari's shouting echoed in the mountains, a ball of smoke flew down towards the four. It was Hades. "All right. I know I dotted my I's, crossed my T's, zeroed the hero. So what gives? Who could possibly be trying to give me a migraine by yodeling that yutz's name?"

    Hikari exchanges looks with Sora, Donald and Goofy and frowned as she looks at Hades. "Really? Hades?"

    "Oh, it's just you," Hades sighed. "Oy vey."

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