Past Battle #3/The heart of Hikari's father

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At the Twist of Isolation, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Haya and Hiromi are confronting Young Xehanort, Vanitas and Nobu-Xehanort.

"Dad!" Haya cried.

Hiromi held up her hand and looks at her young daughter. "Look closely. That's not your father."

Haya frowned. "Maybe not, but I'm still going to keep calling his name. We have to light his way home."

Hiromi noticed that Haya needed her father more. "Haya..."

As Terra, Ventus and Aqua felt sorry for Hiromi and Haya, Vanitas spoke up. "Hey, guys. Feeling a little left out here."

Ventus turned his attention to the masked boy. "Vanitas. You're coming home too."

Vanitas was surprised as he looked at Ventus. "Huh? But my home is in you. You know what'll happen, right? I'll just disappear inside of you forever. Don't you have any love at all for your own brother?"

Ventus shook his head. "We're not brothers. We're the same."

Vanitas looked confused and started laughing. "You believe that? Then you really are naïve."

Haya tilts her head and looks at Ventus. "What's he talking about, Ven?"

"This may shock you and Venty-Wenty, kid, but we're not the same like he thinks," Vanitas said to Haya as he starts explaining. "I was just hidden deep inside of Ventus, for a really long time. All Xehanort did... was tear me right out of him."

"Then go back to where you came from!" Ventus shouted.

"Make me," Vanitas said sarcastically.

Terra looked at Young Xehanort. "So... you're Xehanort that's from the past?"

"That's because I am Xehanort that's from the past," Young Xehanort said. "We originally had you as an Organization member to attack your friends but you've been replaced by the king of Kingdom Hearts."

"King of Kingdom Hearts?" Terra looked at Nobu-Xehanort who smirked.

"If it's darkness you're looking for, Terra, then I have more than enough to go around," Nobu-Xehanort said.

Hiromi summoned her Keyblade and points it at Nobu-Xehanort. "Stop! Quit using my husband for your games."

Nobu-Xehanort smirked at Hiromi. "A queen of Kingdom Hearts wielding your key in anger? Shameful."

Hiromi sighs. "We have unfinished business. I was separated from my family when my home was burnt down, and for so long I have been in hiding and guiding my daughters and their friends. Now...I'm finally here. And I want only one thing, with all my heart. Xehanort... I'm casting you out of Nobu forever!" She began fighting Nobu-Xehanort while Terra, Ventus, Aqua and Haya fights Vanitas and Young Xehanort until Sora and Kairi arrived.

"Terra! Aqua! Ven! Haya!" Sora and Kairi shouted.

Terra, Ventus, Aqua and Haya smiled in relief. "Sora, Kairi."

Hiromi looked at Sora and Kairi. "Oh. I never got a chance to introduce myself. I'm Hiromi. Hikari and Haya's mother."

Terra sees Young Xehanort disappear and looks at Vanitas and Nobu-Xehanort. "Fight those two now, talk later."

Sora, Aqua, Haya and Hiromi nodded as they help Terra fight Nobu-Xehanort while Kairi help Ventus fight Vanitas.

Kairi managed to hit Vanitas' mask with her Destiny's Embrace Keyblade, causing it to shatter. Then her eyes widened as Vanitas' face was revealed. "Y-Your face...! It look just like Sora's."

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