A Pirate's Life for Sora and Kairi

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At the Caribbean, the pirates began singing a shanty. "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. The Kraken leapt from the ocean brine, Look out, me hearties yo ho; And to the Locker the sparrow confined, Look out, me hearties yo ho; Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. A goddess thought she'd a sparrow save, Look out, me hearties yo ho; And brought a blackguard back from the grave, Look out, me hearties, yo ho; Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. The Flying Dutchman is on the hunt, Look out, me hearties yo ho; To punish a sparrow for his affront, Look out, me hearties yo ho; Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me. Within the chest his secret sleeps, Look out, me hearties yo ho; The heart of Davy Jones still beats, Look out, me hearties yo ho; Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me."

In a cloudless sky, Sora is on the raft with Kairi, Lea, Haya, Donald and Goofy, singing, "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me."

All were dressed as pirates, except for Lea, who's still wearing a black coat.

"Why are you so happy?" Donald asked.

"'Cause we get to be pirates again!" Sora replied.

"Yep, you always did like this world," Goofy smiled.

"And me too," Haya agreed. "How could anyone not? Still...it's a real shame we don't have a bigger ship."

Kairi giggled as she held onto Sora. "But hey... on the bright side, I get to share a raft with my boyfriend."

Lea sighed. "Yeah... that's nice but got any idea where we're going?"

"Where else, Axel? The edge of the world!" Sora smiled at Lea.

"Captain Sora!" Goofy shouted as he salutes.

Sora looked at Goofy. "What ails ya, Mister Goofy?"

"The edge of the world!" Goofy cried.

"Aye!" Sora nodded.

"We're runnin' outta sea, sir!" Goofy shouted again as he points to the waterfall.

Sora nodded. "Aye! We're runnin' outta sea."

Haya gasped. "Wait... did you say running out?" She saw a waterfall up ahead and turns to Sora, Kairi, Lea, Donald and Goofy. "Hard to starboard!"

Lea paddled with Donald and Goofy. "But there's no time, kid!"

The raft soon plunges down the waterfall, taking Sora, Kairi, Lea, Haya, Donald and Goofy down into the abyss below. Soon... they all found themselves at a sandy place called Davy Jones' Locker.

Sora frowned. "Where'd we end up this time?"

	Kairi stands up and helped Sora and the others up

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Kairi stands up and helped Sora and the others up. "I don't know, babe, but we gotta start walking."

Soon... Goofy started walking with Sora, Kairi and his other friends. "We've been walkin' forever."

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