Returning to the Final World/The Time-Traveling Princess

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Soon... Hikari, Haya, Nobu and all the guardians of light have returned to the Keyblade Graveyard after defeating Master Xehanort and the Real Organization XIII.

King Mickey turned to everyone. "It's finally over."

As everyone nodded, Hikari sighed. "...No."

Sora exchanges looks with Riku and turns to Hikari. "We'll find your mother."

"Let's head back to Master Yen Sid," Riku said. "We can figure it out."

Hikari looked at Sora and Riku and shook her head. "No, I know what to do."

Mickey was stunned. "Hikari..."

Hikari remembered the dark times she and her family had gone through and turns to her loved ones. "My whole journey began the day I lost her, my dad and Haya. And every time I find her... she slips away again. I thought we'd finally be one happy family again. But she's out there, alone. Not for one more second."

Donald walked up a bit with Goofy, Sora and Kairi. "We'll go too!"

"That's right!" Goofy nodded.

"And Kairi can help," Sora said, wrapping his arm around Kairi.

Kairi agreed. "Yeah. You help us and now it's our turn to help you."

Hikari smiled at the four. "Thank you, Sora, Kairi, Donald, Goofy. But this time, I have to go it alone."

King Mickey frowned. "Hikari, listen. The power of waking isn't to go chase hearts around! Even if you do locate your mother, you might never come home to us again."

"I will," Hikari said. "And we'll both be back before you know it."

"Please..." Mickey pleaded.

Haya and Riku exchanges looks with each other and walks up to King Mickey.

Haya smiled. "Let her go, Mickey."

Mickey frowned again. "Riku... Haya..."

"Haya's right," Riku smiled. "Her heart and her mind are made up. Now, believe in her."

The King had no choice but to agree. "Yeah... Safe journey, Hikari."

Hikari smiled. "Thank you." She summoned her Counterpoint Keyblade and opens a portal to start her one last mission. Sooner or later... Hikari returned to the Final World. "This is..." Then she saw Chirithy appearing before her. "Chirithy. Am I glad to see you?"

"Back so soon, princess?" Chirithy said as it noticed Hikari looking really sad. "What's wrong?"

Hikari sighs. "Long story..." She explained what happened to her mother back at Scala ad Caelum.

Chirithy groaned. "Even with the power of waking and the power of the princess of Kingdom Hearts, you can't just bring someone back."

"But my mom's heart hasn't been lost yet," Hikari said. "She's still with us, right?"

"Maybe, but this time, I'm afraid the situation is a lot worse," Chirithy warned.

Hikari smiled. "Hey, I've already restored six hearts. What's one more?"

"But that's not how it's supposed to work at all," Chirithy explained. "The power of waking is meant to be used to wake and restore sleeping hearts, not to restore them after they've completely faded away from existence. You've done that six times before, and as a result, you've managed to greatly alter the course of history itself."

Hikari frowned. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is you've broken a nature taboo, princess," Chirithy finished.

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