Nobu, Haya and Guardians VS armored figures/Hiromi's return

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At the Keyblade Graveyard, Ventus was holding off Kingdom Hearts with the others. "Everyone, be strong!"

Lea looked at Nobu. "So...if we can't stop him, what happens?"

Nobu sighed. "I don't know, Axel... I may be the king of Kingdom Hearts... But...there's no question in my mind if that's the true Kingdom Hearts. I can't...imagine what'll happen if that old man succeeds."

Haya gets an idea. "If we hold it back, it might vanish."

Nobu shook his head as he looks at Haya. "No, Haya. Only the χ-blade has the power to stop it."

Haya frowned. "But, dad..."

	"We all need to trust Sora, Riku and Kairi," Aqua said to everyone

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"We all need to trust Sora, Riku and Kairi," Aqua said to everyone.

"Right!" Terra nodded.

As everyone nodded in agreement, Xion looked up to see Kingdom Hearts turning dark. "Look!"

At Scala ad Caelum, Hikari summoned her Counterpoint Keyblade. "It's all over, Xehanort!"

Master Xehanort holds out his hand and makes the χ-blade appear as levitates himself up to the air, making dark clouds with something glowing appear.

Back at the Keyblade Graveyard, Lea looked up. "Do you...see that?"

	As twelve Replica Xehanorts appeared out of Kingdom Hearts, Aqua gets into battle stance

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As twelve Replica Xehanorts appeared out of Kingdom Hearts, Aqua gets into battle stance. "Get ready!"

A lot of keyholes appeared and a strong breeze blew them up to the sky.

"Whoa whoa, this is some serious trouble," Lea frowned.

Xion was blasted towards a keyhole.

"Xion!" Roxas cried as he saves Xion.

Xion smiled romantically. "Thanks, Roxas!" She gave Roxas a kiss on the cheek.

"Uh, hate to interrupt but..." Kirihax said as she sees Replica Xehanorts appear. "We're trapped!"

"Come on! We all have to work together!" Nobu said to everyone.

"Trust our bond!" Aqua agreed.

Haya looked at Terra and Ventus. "Ven, Terra, are you ready?"

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