24:Suprise we are back

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(New character alert. Liam Malfoy, image below also you have some beef with him)

I was sitting in the great hall not really paying attention to the speech Dumbledoor was making until Fred shakes my arm

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I was sitting in the great hall not really paying attention to the speech Dumbledoor was making until Fred shakes my arm. I look up and hear the last part of his speech "Hogwarts will be hosting the TriWizard tournament this year. We have three schools joining us. Two of the schools will put up a participant and the other will be just watching."Dumbledoor says

I continue to listen as he continues "The three schools will be Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and finally y/s" As he finishes the schools walk through the doors and I see all of the guys and girls walking through.

They look around and finally notice me. They run up to me and i'm pulled out of my seat by Jake "I missed you so much princess." he says spinning me around and ignoring their head master.

"I was literally just with you for two months and saw you last night." I say as he puts me down and they all surround me in a circle. Everyone is staring at us but I don't care I get the whole School year with all of my friends.

After a couple of minutes everyone settles down and Dumbledoor makes tables for the extra schools. I was pulled to the table by Jessica and I sat in Jake's lap as they started eating. I wasn't really that hungry anyway

"Jess, Riley, Dalton what did ya'll do all summer since you ditched us to do whatever it was?" I ask playfully nudging Dalton

"Well I had to go stay with my sister" Dalton starts before Dumbledoor clears his throat.

"Also I have one more announcement to make: we have a new student joining the sixth sixth years. Liam Malfoy you may enter." I immediately tensed up and the whole group went silent causing everyone to stare at us since we were being really loud before. After a couple seconds everyone turns to see him entering the Great Hall.

As he walks over to the sorting hat me locks eyes with me and glares at me. I glare right back. The whole group was still watching him ready to pounce at any given moment. The tension in the air was so thick I could have cut it with a knife.

Jake pulls me off of his lap and sets me next to him making it easier to move. I look across the room to see the twins staring at us from their seat at the Gryffindor table. They look at me as if asking if I want them to walk over. I nod and they stand up and walk over to us taking a seat across from me and Jake.

After Liam is sorted he gets Slytherin, what a surprise right. But before he goes to his table he makes a B-line straight towards me. But before he could get to close the whole group stands up all nine of them and they stand in front of me as I smirk at him from the gap between Jake and Jacob. All of the boys were directly in front of me with the girls beside them.

Everyone stares shocked at how quickly they were to stand up and defend me. "You have about thirty seconds to walk away before we move you." Riley says so the whole great hall can hear him.

"This isn't over." Liam says and walks to sit next to his brother. Everyone sits back down and i'm pulled back into Jake's lap.

"You okay babygirl?" he asks into my hair. I nod still smirking because I have scary dog privileges. "Also we are staying in your dorm because we don't want to share with random kids." As he says this i turn to him

"What? there is no way we can all fit in my room? I mean I don't have any roommates because of the whole 'i'm too dangerous for people thing' but still" I say looking at him.

"We can spell it to make it bigger and me and you can share you're bed its not like we don't anytime your sleeping over with us anyway." he says I nod and start playing on my phone. "Babygirl you're not going to eat?" Jake asks. I shake my head telling him I already ate. I lied.

After dinner Dumbledoor tries to show them to their dorms but they all walk beside me following me to the Slytherin common room.(Image below is how yall are walking)

When we get to the common room I start walking to the girls dormitories and they fallow me

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When we get to the common room I start walking to the girls dormitories and they fallow me. I feel someone staring at me so I turn around seeing Matheo looking at me. Then I get a text message. I decided to look at it later.

When we get to my dorm we all go in and I sit on the bed. Jake does a quick spell and makes the room bigger and adds some beds enough for everyone minus him since he'd sleep in my bed. After the spell we all sit on the floor catching up with Jess, Dalton and Riley.

I decided to look at my messages.

Side Hoe

SIde Hoe:
Meet me by the black lake
At midnight tonight

Okay see you then

I put my phone down and kept talking with the group. After a while everyone climbs into the beds Jake spelled into my room but I go to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

(some stuff will be said in the next chapter also there is going to be more of Matheo now. Your welcome-Ramen)

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