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I began to grow nervous as I approached the school. I would definitely run into Dan whether it be in one of our free periods, or just in the hallways. I was such an awkward person. One stupid thing happens and you can't face him anymore.

But he was using you.

Yes, he was. He acted like he wanted to be my friend again to get me to fall for him. It was all part of his plan. I can't stand him.

"I don't know if I can tutor Dan anymore," I told Mrs. Maron, my voice wavering. "Why not?" She questioned, but I surely didn't want to tell her. "Uh, just some stuff-" I was cut off when I heard a voice from the door, "Good morning, Mrs. Maron." I turned and saw Phil. "Good morning, Phillip," she greeted him back and I silently thanked him for the distraction as I really didn't want to tell Mrs. Maron about what happened between Dan and I.

The sound of the bell echoed throughout the building, in classrooms and hallways, causing masses of students to rush into the corridors. I slowly gathered my things, not in much of a hurry. Phil already had his things, but he stood, waiting for me near the doorway. We both exited the room and headed toward our lockers. After getting the books we needed from our lockers, we began to make our way to the next class, but I was soon stopped when the one and only Imogen Harper pushed me up against the wall. Oh, great. As soon as the rest of the students in the hallway spotted us, a crowd began to form. Phil stood to the side, eyes wide with shock.

"I saw you with Dan at my brother's party on Friday," she growled out. "Oh, I have nothing going on with-" I was cut off for the second time that, but this time, it was by Dan stepping up beside us. His hand went to Imogen's shoulder where he then pushed her back a bit, "Leave her alone." That was all he had to say to get her to back away and the crowd to disperse.

"Thanks," I mumbled and began to walk to class. As soon as I turned the corner, I was pinned against the wall again, but it happened to be Dan this time and it wasn't as forceful. "You don't want to tutor me anymore?" He said, squinting his eyes slightly.

"Well, you don't need it and plus, I don't want to talk to you anymore," I said and tried to get away, but quickly failed as he put both of his hands on the wall next to me, trapping me. We didn't speak. His eyes met mine and we stayed like that for what seemed like forever. I soon snapped myself out of it and pushed him away. "Stop doing that," I tried to keep my voice down as I let it out in a shout. "Stop doing what?" He questioned, making me clench my teeth together in frustration.

"Trying to make me fall for you! You know, I actually thought that we could be friends again. That I was seeing another side of you, but I see now that there isn't another side. You're just a jerk that's using me." By the end of my rant, tears were welled up in my eyes and I just wanted to let out a scream. He opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him. "Don't you even try. I'm done. Have fun with your life, Dan Howell." and that was all that was said before I walked away, leaving him to stare at the wall in shock.

"Are you okay? I mean, as okay as you can be after what happened in the hallway, but you looked like you had been crying when you came into science class," I heard Phil mention from beside me. I nodded and looked over at him, "Just some stuff. Don't worry about it." He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, okay. What kind of stuff?" He asked and I bit the inside of my lip. "Some stuff between Dan and I. Like I said, don't worry about it," I told him and tried to focus back on my drawing.

"Now I'm worrying about it. What happened?" He urged me to tell him, making me sigh. "Fine," I started and continued to explain what happened- from the party to Dan and I talking in the hallway. "Oh, that's terrible.. But you knew that he was like this before it happened," Phil explained and I nodded, sadly. "Yeah, I did and I still fell for it."

Aliah, I wasn't using you. I promise.

I got the text as I was walking home. The message caused me to stop and Phil turned to see what was going on. I shoved my phone into his hands, groaning in frustration. "Liar," I mumbled, continuing to walk. "He texted you again," Phil said, handing over my phone.

Please answer because I know that you never want to talk to me again, but I'm trying to be your friend, Aliah.

I shook my head at the message. "Wow, he's trying so hard," I said before locking the phone and shoving it into my pocket, leaving the messages unanswered.

He messaged me over and over again. His pleads- which I believed were fake- began to grow annoying and soon enough, I was forced to answer him.

I said stop. Don't you get that?

No. Aliah, I wasn't using you.

I have never been using you.


Please believe me.

Um, let me think about it... No.

Well, let me show you.


I will show you that I was never using you.

How will you do that?

You'll see soon.


How would he even prove that? It's not possible... because it's not true and you can't prove things that aren't true.

**I just wrote all of this in an hour. Yeeees.


Thanks for reading. Please leave comments because I love them!


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