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1774, NOVEMBER 28th, MONDAY 2:28 am.

Bullets whizzed past Mary's head as she hid behind a giant sewing machine; a green firefly landed in her hair. Alice fired round after round towards Falcon's location, but the bird of death was on the defensive. With her quick reaction time, she threw up portals every time a bullet was fired.

"Any plans?" Alice said.

"I can't use any poisons with her energy shield up," Mary said. "And if she's on guard, it'll be hard to get a good shot on her... Even if you can go back in time a few seconds."

"She's strong..."

"Yeah, well, we don't need to beat her," Mary patted Alice's shoulder. "Everyone else should be out of the elevator by now... We just need to distract her long enough to join them."

Mary leaned past the giant sewing machine and her gaze landed on Falcon. A faint, shimmering barrier enveloped her skin.

"Because she's continuously creating a telekinetic barrier, maintaining an energy shield requires constant attention," she said. "As long as I hit her with a few chemical attacks now and then, her attention will be divided between us and her shield."

Prismatic energy shone through the magazine in Alice's sniper rifle as she reloaded by creating new bullets.

"So... Wait for an opening. Then escape."

Mary nodded. She grunted when Alice pushed her out of the way — a portal opened above them and Falcon dived down. The violet-haired girl took aim and fired, but in the instance she appeared, a rain of sewing needles the size of arrows bombarded the couple.

Falcon's head snapped back from the bullet; she tumbled backwards and fell into a portal she opened up at the last second. Mary was quick to create a steel barrier above her and Alice — needles dented and penetrated the metal ceiling.

"You ok Apple?"

"I'm good Mango."

"Ztop it! Will you two ztop that!" Falcon yelled.

A portal appeared between Mary and Alice. Both raised their weapons, yet Falcon didn't appear. Alice's eyes widened.


A giant needle flew straight towards Mary's head. Blood splattered everywhere — she ducked at the last possible moment and was injured, but alive. The pin crashed into the massive sewing machine and sent cracks spiderwebbing all along its length.

Mary touched the wound and brought the bloodied fingers to her gaze. It was a red-violet hue; her eyes widened. Alice raised her rifle and aimed, but Falcon was nowhere in sight.

"Coming into my room, being lovey-dovey, flirting, kizzing," she said. "You trying to make me enviouz? You think I wanted thiz! I never azked to be alone! I never azked to be a bird of death!"

"Then why are you bruh!" Mary shouted.

"Becauze I don't have a choice!" Falcon yelled. "What do you think Edward will do to me if I refuze? At leazt if I keep doing what he wants, I have a little freedom!"

Multiple portals opened around Mary and Alice.

"The only way to zurvive down here is to obey Edward," she said. "Even your friend Bootz knowz that... He may be ezcorting you all, but he hazn't fought? Right?"

Epics of Noche 2, DeathTechWhere stories live. Discover now