Chapter 3

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Mai's eyes opened from a tapping noise at the window. Blinking away the sleep, her eyes focused on the glass pane and found a bird pecking at the surface. The newly appointed Genin stretched on the bed and began to go about her morning before heading into Konoha.

Sasuke was at the Academy early, as usual. He sat in the classroom; hands folded in front of his mouth deep in thought. Slowly, the rest of the former students began filtering in. The girls starting to gossip immediately amongst one another upon spotting their friends. The Uchiha picked up on a few talking about him. Which was an annoyance, and he immediately blocked them out, wishing for Mai to walk through the door as soon as possible. Having her around made the Academy bearable. She could take his mind off of everyone around them.

"Huh? Naruto, what the hell are you doing here?" a student asked, shocked. "Only those who passed are supposed to be here."

Sasuke glanced over, surprised to see Naruto. Last he knew, the student had failed the exam, and wondered what made Iruka change his mind. Shrugging it off, he didn't want to dwell on it too long.

"Can't you see this forehead protector?" he answered. Pointing to the object in place.

"Hey, will you let me through?" a voice asked.

It was Sakura Haruno; Naruto's crush. He started to blush, and fidget, excited that she talked to him until hearing,

"Naruto! Move your ass! I want to sit on the other side of you!"

"Huh?" the student questioned. A quick glance revealed that the pink-haired girl wished to sit beside Sasuke Uchiha.

Feeling theirs stare, the Genin locked eyes. "What?" Sasuke asked in annoyance.

"What do you mean, 'What?'" Naruto shot back, irritated.

"Sasuke!" Sakura exclaimed in a sweet voice.

She slammed the blonde's head down against the desk to get him out of the way. And to shut him up.

"Can I sit next to you?"

Mai walked through the door of the classroom behind the laziest student in the Academy, Shikamaru Nara. The boy was yawning already. Her attention landed on Sakura who pushed Naruto out of his seat to sit closely to Sasuke.

Rolling her eyes, Mai felt just as annoyed at the fan girls as much as he was. Suddenly, Naruto was crouched on the table top in front of the Uchiha, the two glaring at each other.

"Hey, Naruto!" Sakura yelled in anger. "Get out of Sasuke's face!"

Their glared only intensified, neither backing down.

"Sasuke, kick his ass!" the girls' cheered him on.

All of them wanted nothing more than the class clown be put in his place. However, it all went wrong when a boy in the front row stood and bumped into Naruto. Causing the student to pitch forward unbalance. Everything went silent at the sight of the Genin now lip locked from the little nudge. The girls' screamed in horror. Mai blinked in surprise, wide-eyed.

"Naruto, you bastard!" Sakura screeched. "I'll kill you!"

Sasuke and Naruto had ripped away from one another before her outburst, spitting and trying to clean their mouths from each other's germs desperately.

"Ah! My mouth is rotting!" Naruto exclaimed. Clearly disgusted. "It was an accident–!"

"Naruto..." Sakura growled deadly, cracking her knuckles. "You're annoying."

While beating the poor boy to a pulp, Mai climbed the stairs and slipped into the seat the that the pink-haired girl had once occupied. Sasuke slowly started to compose himself from the traumatic event, the girl cocking an eyebrow.

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