Chapter 21

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It was only eight in the morning, and already the seats were starting to fill up in the arena. The excited cheers from the spectators echoed in the immediate area. Kankuro, Temari, Gaara, Xin, Shino, and Neji had already arrived, calm and relaxed as ever. But focused for the challenge ahead. Shikamaru appeared thirty minutes before it was to start. By now nearly all of Konoha could be found in the audience. Alongside a handful of visitors from other nations that came in support. Naruto, Dosu, Mai, and Sasuke were nowhere to be found among the contenders.

"Man, where the hell are they?" Shikamaru questioned. He scratched the back of his head. "Troublesome..."

Shino stood quietly beside him as he listened to his constant muttering. Though behind his dark glasses, he observed the ninjas from Rock Country and Suna. To size them up as opponents further down the line.

The arena was a large circle of dirt. There were a few trees, bushes, and rocks scattered about. But for the most part the arena was open in order for the audience that sat a little higher to see everything that happened.

Suddenly, Naruto came flying into the arena, sliding to a halt in a ridiculous manner. Shikamaru was the one to help him to his feet.

"Aw man, what a drag," the ninja spoke. This was not a good representation of the Leaf.

"Guys, run!" Naruto yelled. "You won't believe this, but there's a huge herd of stampeding bulls heading this way!"

Yet there were no bulls behind him.

"Will you shut up idiot, and have you seen the rest of your team?" the Nara hissed lowly.

Naruto, forgetting about the so-called stampede of bulls, glanced around the arena to notice Mai and Sasuke's absence.

"I haven't seen them since the preliminaries ended. Kakashi-sensei whisked them away to training before Sakura and I got a chance to talk to them. Where the heck are they?"

"That's why I was asking you, stupid."

There was a puff of smoke beside the Genins and revealed a figure from inside. "I'm not late, am I?"

"Mai!" Naruto exclaimed. He rushed forward to hug his teammate tightly. "Where have you been? I was so worried you weren't going to make it. Where have you been? And where's Sasuke?"

"You're a little too close, please let go."

Surprisingly, he did as asked.

"The forest was a lot thicker than I remembered a month ago. That and I was taking care of a few things since I haven't been around. Sasuke's not here yet?"

"I thought he'd be with you?"

Mai shook her head. "We've been training separate for the whole month."

"We haven't seen you around the Village," Shikamaru noted. "What gives? Thought you fell off the face of the Earth."

Mai gave a small smirk. "As if. Like I said I was training outside the gates."

"By the way, what are you wearing?" Naruto asked.

Mai's normal attire had been replaced with the Be Fong uniform. Having shed the tomboy attire that always looked a little too big for her, the girl looked like a bonified ninja. The black crop top had a high collar and no sleeves, black arm guards covering the skin just above the elbow down to the knuckles. Her pants were the same color, a bit poufy in design and bunched up under the knees. A weapons belt circled the waist with a few circular items attached as well. There were even two short swords that were strapped to each hip. Weapons Naruto had never seen before. The ninja sandals were also black now, as ribbons wrapped up the calves and under the pant cuffs. Even her hair had been cut much shorter. It was tied back into a high ponytail.

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