Chapter 19

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"You're too slow," Belva stated.

A foot to the gut followed the comment. The attack had the girl's mouth snap open in shock before her back slammed into a tree further away. The trunk shuddered from impact and cause a few leaves to fall towards the ground. The woman stood a few feet away from the Genin in a nonchalant manner, arms crossed.

"Your speed is average, like any other Genin."

She coughed, trying to get back her breath.

"But I will not accept that. If you don't start getting serious, then you will be killed in the arena. Or as a shinobi in the field."

Mai glared as she shakily stood. She fixed a kunai into place, ready to attack again.

"Good. Having the mentality to not give up and to remain standing is a good asset, but that will only get you so far."

Belva observed her student's appearance. Rough look aside from the fact that she just came out of the first few rounds of the Chuunin Exam, there were adjustments to be made.

"Your clothes are almost too big for you. Which makes your movements slower and sloppy in some areas when they get in the way. Then there's that rat's nest on your head. It's too long for a shinobi no matter how you tie it back. The ideal length is just touching the chest or shorter. It improves speed as well, but also makes it harder for an opponent to grab at."

The comment made the Be Fong think back to what happened to Sakura in the forest when Kin had used that move against her.

"If you would stop talking, you could hear me answer to all of that," Mai spoke up. "Cut my hair then so it's not constantly falling in my face. Help me find a new uniform then that's to your liking. Stop telling me things you want to change without actually changing it. I want to improve."

Belva smirked. She had spunk when the time called for it. "Very well."

The woman's home was rustic. It nearly blended into its surrounding as they approached. The woman found a pair of scissors in one of the drawers and then sat the Genin on a stood outside. She examined the black hair that had been washed and combed beforehand. Now without a layer of dirt on her, Mai looked two shades lighter. The wet strands clung to the side of Mai's face and baggy shirt. The sensei pondered over how to cut the strands.

"What are your views on a pixie cut?" Belva asked.

"Maybe, I guess..." the girl answered. "I've never cut it since Sasuke and I were on our own."

"What was the length before?" The hair was clearly reaching Mai's butt now.

"Just below my armpit."

With a quick snip, a chunk of hair fell towards the ground. "Armpit it is then."

Mai had forgotten how light it was to not have so much hair, running a hand through the shorter length. "You will keep it pinned back at all times while on missions," Belva instructed. "Outside of missions, I don't care what you do with it. You can't afford to be distracted or killed just because hair got in your way. That would be a sad way to go. Mai Be Fong, KIA, because of loose hair. Not on my watch."

"You're a real pep talker, Sensei," Mai said sarcastically.

"Enough sitting around. It's time to train again."

She slingshot a hairband in the girl's direction. The Genin barely caught the item before lunging out of the way of an incoming attack. Mai pulled back the hair swiftly into a high ponytail. She barely managed to avoid the next punch.

"Already you are faster," the woman noted.

The Genin's lips twitched in a smirk in response, flexing her fingers.

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