Chapter 15

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"We need to eat," Sakura pointed out. "Think it's safe to start a fire?"

"Doesn't matter," Sasuke answered. "Berries aren't going to be enough to replenish our lack of protein and nutrition. We need meat."

A full day had passed since the incident with Orochimaru and the Sound Ninjas. Their chakra levels had improved greatly, and Sakura and Mai filled in their teammates on what had transpired in their unconscious state. The way Sakura detailed how Mai held off the man stunned Sasuke and Naruto, who went wide-eye at the news. She tried to not make such a big deal about it. Though that didn't stop the knucklehead from asking a hundred and one questions.

Now the food part of this survival test began to come into play. Their stomachs growled loudly. Even sips of water couldn't ward it off any longer.

"Should we hunt then?" the pink-haired girl wondered.

"I'm not about to go flying blindly into the forest looking for food," Mai voiced. "On top of that we don't know what animals are editable and which ones may kill us on the spot. Looks are deceiving in here."

"She's right," the Uchiha sighed.

"I saw a stream north of us," Sakura spoke up. "From the map that the Protor showed us. It's about five miles. We can see if there's any fish."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Naruto questioned.

They nodded in agreement. The thought of food had reenergized them. The team took off at Sakura's guidance. The long journey was worth it as the large water source came into view.

"Hey guys, fish!" Naruto shouted. He had been the first to reach the water's edge.

"Good," Sasuke said. "Sakura, Mai, go find some wood. Naruto, and I will handle the fish."

"We'll stick close and warn if there's trouble," Mai said.

The two girls disappeared into the underbrush.

"Naruto, jump in the water," the Uchiha ordered.


"Jump. In. The. Water."

"What about you?"

"I'll catch and hold the fish when you force them out."

"What's jumping going to solve? And I'm doing all the work here!"

"If you think you're too tired or weak to do it then fine, I will."

Naruto grumbled in annoyance, yet gave in to the jab. He wasn't tired in the slightest. He'd show him. Sasuke chuckled to himself that the blonde fell for it as the Genin tugged off his top. Naruto dived in and complained about how cold it was at first.

"Sakura, I've already got an arm full of wood," Mai called out. "Ready?"

"Yeah, let's head back," she answered.

The girls couldn't help but snicker at Naruto's antics when they arrived back at the riverbank.

"I'll get the fire set up," Sakura said. "See if you can help them out."

Naruto jumped into a river for a tenth time, finally getting another fish to fly into the air. Once high enough, Sasuke pinned it to a tree with a kunai.

"Do it again!" the boy ordered. "We need to have food for later. Three isn't enough, so do it three more times, moron."

"This is really tiring!" Naruto protested. "You do it!"

Rolling her eyes, Mai stopped just behind the Uchiha as the two continued to bicker. Neither of them noticed her presence. She pulled the shirt over her head, and stripped off the pants after removing the straps and weapons pouches, and finally the shoes. The girl rushed to the edge of a rock and made a cannonball into the water. Sasuke reacted quickly as fish were forced out of the water. A lot more than any of Naruto's attempts. Mai broke the surface and swam towards shore.

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