Chapter 14

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Mai and Sakura ran for nearly twenty minutes. To be certain that Orochimaru wasn't following them. That no other team in the exam caught onto their movements. Mai's strings were on high alert. And despite the fight she just encountered, the girl continued to push herself. Finally, they stopped under a large tree where the trunk had been hollowed out.

"This looks like a good place to hide them," Mai said.

The roots were thick, making the enclosed area look like a makeshift room. This would give them good cover as they tended to their teammates. And waited for them to wake up. Sakura wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Set up a few traps around us," Mai instructed. "We're vulnerable right now."

"On it."

The girl moved quickly and carefully. To be wary of their surroundings in case someone attacked. Though Mai didn't leave her completely unguarded out there. Once done, the two tucked themselves back inside the shadows.

"What did he do to Sasuke?" Sakura whispered. Her hands were shaking.

"I have no idea," the Be Fong answered. But she didn't like the marking that now inked his skin.

Naruto didn't seem to be in any immediate distress since the assault. There were a few burn marks on his stomach, but the quick save by Sasuke had protected him from harm. And they didn't know how to assess the Uchiha. Mai just really wanted the both of them to wake up sooner than later.

Sakura suddenly jolted into an upright position. Catching herself to prevent from nodding off. "How are we going to stay awake?" she wondered.

The pink-haired girl rubbed at an eye tiredly.

"We'll have to take shifts," Mai answered. "I don't mind if you sleep first. I can take the first watch."

"What are we going to do about the scrolls?"

"There's no other choice but to find new ones. However, if we don't, all we have to do is hold out until the five days are up. Then we'll just try again next year. Are you okay with not going on to the next round?"

"Yes. Sasuke and Naruto are more important right now."

"I agree."

Mai grunted suddenly, which drew Sakura's attention down. "Mai... your hands...!"

The tips of the fingers bled, having stained Naruto's jumpsuit a bit from the fingerprints left behind.

"It's not as bad as it looks," she reassured. The Be Fong attempted to reach into the medical pouch and left more blood in its wake. "The strings dug in a bit because I held them so tightly." In the beginning, when Mai first learned of her clan's Kekkei-Genkai, the same thing had happened. She had to build calluses to remedy this. And learn how to properly manipulate the strings so the girl didn't help herself in the process. Just a few more minimal scars to add to ones that had faded over time.

"Here, let me help," Sakura spoke up. She took the bandages and began wrapping each individual finger and down the palms to hold them securely in place.


"I should be saying that to you. That was amazing back there. How...? How did you do it?"

"I... don't know. Heat of the moment? Adrenaline?"

It had to be more than that. What had happened back there went far beyond what Kakashi had taught them in training. The two lapsed into silence trying to conserve energy. While the pink-haired girl concentrated on treating Mai, the Be Fong listened intently to the forest around them.

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