Chapter 26

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They were at a standstill as both sides waited for the other to react. Finally, Kankuro stepped forward and pulling the wrapped puppets from his back.

"Take Gaara and go ahead," he ordered.

"Alright..." Temari nodded.

She was gone a second later making Sasuke's eyes narrow. He couldn't lose Gaara and needed to take care of the teen quickly.

"There's no helping it," Kankuro stated. "I'll be your opponent."

The Leaf Ninja's hand reached back for a weapon when another voice broke their tense stare off, "No, I will be your opponent."

Their heads turned in surpris to find Shino. Neither had realized the Genin followed them from the arena or sensed his approach. How had he managed to escape the Genjutsu? None of them realized he was skilled enough to break it.

Kankuro's eyes narrowed. "It's you..."

"Shino, why are you here?" Sasuke asked.

His finger pointed to the Uchiha's shoulder where he noticed a few bugs that had blended into his clothing. Anyone could miss it if not looking close enough.

"Before you left the arena, I used some female bugs to spread their scent on you," Shino said. "Though nearly nonexistent, only the males of the same species can trace the faint scent. Sasuke, you chase after Gaara. After all, your match with him has yet to be decided. I'll fight this one... since I was supposed to be his opponent anyway..."

"You're rather confident," the Uchiha said. "You think you can do it?"

"Don't worry. I'll keep him off your back for ten minutes."

Sasuke smirked. "Feh, by that time I will be finished up."

The boy rushed through the trees once more and left Kankuro and Shino behind. It didn't take long to track Temari's movements. For some reason, she had stopped on a lower branch. Though upon closer inspection Sasuke realized Gaara had woken up. The Sand Ninja became easily aware of their threat that watched them. He threw Temari roughly into another tree trunk. Not because he was worried for her safety, but so the sister didn't interfere.

"Although I don't know the motives of your Village, I will stop you," the Leaf Ninja declared.

The redhead's deadly expression faltered. Flinching, he clutched at his head in pain.

"Also, I want to see your true face."

Gaara glared murderously at his opponent. It became apparent that his outer skin was cracking. The shell that held up his normally stoic expression to remain emotionless. Something was wrong with the armor.

"You, that is strong," the Sand Ninja panted. "You, that have companions, you, that has an ambition, you, that's like me... Once I kill you, I will be the one to have destroyed all of that. Only then can I survive. Only then can I feel alive!"

The Genin collapsed to his knees on the branch, struggling to breathe as animalistic sounds escaped his lips. His gourd began to warp. The sand spilled over his body and contorted the features. Sasuke kept his distance, having no idea what exactly was going on. When Gaara's head rose, fear filled the Leaf Ninja's body at the sight. The Sand Ninja had turned into a half-human, half-demonic being. Even one of his arms had been altered, appearing larger in size. Almost in the shape of a claw. Gaara crouched low and eyed the Uchiha with murderous intent. Sasuke recognized the demonic eye on the side of the twisted features. The one he had seen looking through the dome that encased the ninja in the arena. Gaara lunged without warning, crying out like an animal. Sasuke stumbled, the speed unexpected, before lunging out of the way just in time.

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