Chapter 24

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Kakashi entered through the underground facility where the medical staff were either watching the fight and waited to go in and recover an injured competitor. Or were hard at work on those already brought in. A woman with dark blue hair came towards the Jounin and rolled a bed behind her.

"We will take it from here," a nurse reassured.

Kakashi set his student on the surface.

"I'm heading back to the arena to watch Sasuke's match," the sensei said. "I'll come by once it's done and let you know who you're matched up against."

"If I remember correctly how the lineups were, Naruto will be facing Shino and I'll be going up against Temari. Unless they realign the matches to the original order. If that's the case, then I'll be having a free pass due to the odd number. And Naruto will face whoever wins Gaara and Sasuke's match."

That was good to know since they hadn't seen the other matches.

"Let me know what happens," Mai said. "Since you won't let me watch.

The Sensei chuckled and disappeared in a puff of smoke before she was rolled into a room.

"The doctor will be in soon for a checkup to see if you're fit for the next round."

As the woman went to leave and draw the curtain for some privacy, she watched Xin be rolled by on a bed. Despite his tough exterior in the ring, he whined like a baby. It made Mai snicker.


Kakashi appeared back in the stands, just as sand began spilling out of Gaara's gourd. He stood behind the railing at the top of the walking path to get a good view. Gai joined his side with Rock Lee. In the month since what happened in the preliminaries, the Genin had been recovering from the match against Gaara. He still looked worse for wear from the robe her wore and bandages still in place. But at least he was able to walk around again with only a crutch for assistance.

The Sand Ninja's movements were odd, sporadic, and he had begun talking to himself. Sasuke had yet to move, observing his opponent carefully. It wasn't until the sand began to warp into a clone did the Leaf Ninja let loose a set of kunai. All of them became swallowed up by the sand. Sasuke rushed forward to try a short-range attack. Even when the clone shot the weapons back at him. The Uchiha avoided them flawlessly. What the boy couldn't understand was how calm Gaara was acting behind his shield. It was as if he didn't care about any of this. Didn't seem to realize they were in a life-or-death fight. Or understand that the outcome of this battle would determine their future as a ninja. None of it seemed to matter. But why?

Sasuke found a hole in his opponent's defense. He pushed through the wall of sand, and performed a series of footwork he had copied from Rock Lee. And for a moment, Gaara grew fearful when the Leaf Ninja's fist made contact with a cheek and threw him backwards.

But Sasuke couldn't worry about 'why' anymore. He had to stay one step ahead and not lose his advantage.

"So, that's the armor of sand, eh?" the Uchiha wondered. Kakashi had told him a little bit about the Sand Ninja's technique. Though the ninja as a whole was a mystery.

Gaara glared.

Mockingly, the raven-haired boy coaxed him forward, "Come on."

The Uchiha literally kicked him back and forth all over the arena. His speed was incredible. Being able to outwit the Sand Ninja was nearly unheard of. When Kabuto showed the Genin his card it had stated that he never returned from a mission with a scratch on him. And now his armor was beginning to crack and fall away.

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