Chapter 10

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Mai arrived first at the bridge the morning of the deadline. Sasuke followed close behind. was the first one at the bridge the morning of the Exam, followed close behind by Sasuke. Naruto made a loud entrance as expected. Nothing could wipe the large grin on his face, which had the Be Fong doing the same. What could she say? His emotions at times could be contagious.

"Do you think Sakura will show up?" Sasuke asked.

They had been waiting for over an hour already.

"Have a little faith," Mai said. "She just needs some time. I'm sure she'll come."

"And if she doesn't?"

Her shoulders shrugged. "Who cares? It's not like this is a one-time event. We'll try next year. Or maybe the year after that."

The pink-haired girl came running towards the bridge. "Sorry I'm late," she breathed out. "It was my mom."

"Glad you made it," Mai said. "It's okay, we still have plenty of time."

Sakura scratching the back of her head and gave a smile at her teammates.

They made their way towards the Academy. Joining other Genin teams interested in taking the Chuunin Exam as they entered the building. Genin loitered about. Having already signed in or headed to hand over the paperwork.

"There sure are a lot of us," Mai pointed out.

"If we're lucky, we'll out last most of them," Sasuke mused.

"Yeah, but even if we don't, it's not the end of the world. After all, this is our first run. We will learn a lot just by being here."

Sasuke shrugged his shoulders. Team 7 came up on a crowded hallway after ascending the stairs. It sounded like a fight had broken out.

"What's going on?" Sakura question.

She stood on her tiptoes to try and see over the multiple heads. While Mai crouched down to peek through the legs.

"It looks like someone is blocking the door..." she answered. "I don't recognize them, but they are Leaf Genin."

"How many?" Sasuke asked.

"Only two. And they're beating up two other Leaf Ninja who are trying to pass. Doesn't look like they are letting anyone through."

Sasuke pushed through the crowd and his teammates followed.

"We're just thinning out those that will fail," one of the bullies stated. "What's wrong with that?"

"I agree," Sasuke interjected. "You will let me pass, though. And also remove the Genjutsu on this hallway."

Mai smirked at the Leaf Ninjas shocked expressions.

"I'm going to the third floor."

"What is he talking about?" some muttered.

"So you noticed," the other bully said. He was the only one.

"Sakura, you must have noticed first, right?"

The girl cocked an eyebrow at the Uchiha.

"Your analytical ability and Genjutsu know-how is the most improved on our team."

Sakura smiled gratefully at his praise in front of so many. Her determination began to shine through as she stood a little straighter to address the crowd.

"Of course," she answered. "I noticed a while ago. This is the second floor."

"Yup!" Naruto grinned.

Mai nodded in support of her findings.

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