Final Chapter: Book 1

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It was depressing, sitting in the hospital room left to his thoughts. Every second that passed Naruto was left remembering the fact that he wasn't strong enough to keep his promise to Sakura and Mai, to bring back Sasuke. He had lost terribly, and the whole mission had been a failure. Some from their team were even lucky to still be alive.

And then there was Mai, who sat on the edge of the hospital bed at his feet, staring at the wall emotionlessly. She had just appeared without a word before he woke up for the second time since arriving. He had yet to be acknowledged now that he was conscious, but it was obvious the Chuunin was aware of what had occurred.

"I found out... why Orochimaru really wanted Sasuke," Naruto finally spoke. "It's to become immortal. He has to switch bodies when the old one reaches its limit."

His eyes flickered towards the emotionless Chuunin, not gaining any response from her.

"Even if we know now that it will be another three years until Orochimaru can assume Sasuke's form since we managed to slow them down enough to delay the plan... what I don't understand is why he went along with it, knowing he was going to die?"

The silence hung over them, and Naruto wondered what had happened out there. He couldn't recall anything after losing consciousness at the end of the fight. Kakashi had told him that it was Mai, who recovered him from the Valley of the End. She had gone against the Hokage and Shikamaru's orders and left the Village. What was her punishment for her insubordination? Then another thought came to him. Did that mean that the Be Fong confronted the Uchiha?

She didn't appear to be injured, seeing as that the Hokage wasn't forcing her to stay in bed or in the hospital for further observation. Then did that mean Mai had missed Sasuke's departure? Or had she tried to follow and was rejected? Naruto wasn't sure it was the right time and place to ask such questions, understanding that she was upset enough by what had transpired.

"You released the Nine-Tail... didn't you?" Mai asked.

Naruto was startled by the sudden question. It was the first time she spoke to him since returning to the Konoha.

"I could sense the lingering chakra when I arrived. It was more feral than it normally is."

The boy didn't really know what to say, since she already knew the answer. Eventually, the girl stood to leave.

"Where are you going?" the blonde asked.

And she paused, thinking for a moment. "I'm not sure. But I heard you were leaving."

"I am. I'm glad I saw you before I left. And... I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise. But I won't give up on Sasuke."

"Don't feel like you need to keep that promise for me," the Be Fong said. She knew it was an impossible task. "Good luck, Naruto."


Belva sighed, sitting beside her student on the porch. Being called into the Hokage's office herself due to the Chuunin's actions was not something she wished to do often. The blonde woman was terrifying when angry.

"That was a foolish move on your part," Belva scolded.

Mai did not answer, leaning against the beam connected to the overhang.

"But... I can understand why you did it. And I must commend you for taking down top ranked Chuunin and holding them long enough to give you a head start. Still, you must follow the rules. They are in place for a reason."

Belva took a beat before she continued, "Tell me, what you want to do now. I can't force you to make a decision, this needs to be your decision."

Finally, the Be Fong spoke since she arrived, "I want to be stronger. I don't care what it takes, what obstacles I have to face. Whatever is left of the team... they are all choosing their own paths and will be training under various senseis. Naruto will be gone for a long time..."

Belva watched the girl's face become more guarded at the thought of another companion leaving.

"I want to be pushed to my limits... and then exceed them."

The woman had to admit she was impressed. Not many people at her age said things like that.

"Good. Having a dream to strive for is something we can work with. It will propel you forward to make you into the person and ninja you wish to become. Unless you tell me to stop, that you've had enough, your training will not let up in order for you to achieve your dream."

My dream is not in the future, the Chuunin thought to herself. She nodded in understanding, ready to begin. It's in the past.

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