Chapter 9

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"Good morning!" Naruto called out to his teammates.

"Morning," the girls greeted.

Naruto and Sasuke, who walked alongside Mai, made eye contact. And the carefree atmosphere disappeared, the two scoffing and turning away with their noses up in the air.

"What the heck?" the Be Fong muttered.

"They've been like this since we got back," Sakura whispered. "Hopefully sensei will get here soon..."

Since their return from Wave Country, there became a mutual understanding between the girls. After Mai's outburst she vowed to never take her own anger and frustration out on a teammate like that so openly in the field. Otherwise, it could jeopardize the effectiveness of the group if the enemy caught on to their internal fracture and discord. While Sakura made an effort to get to know her teammates better. Try to have a better handle on her fan girl tendencies around the Uchiha. And not be so selfish. Because not everyone grew up as well as she did. While Mai had walls to protect herself, Sakura now realized it was for a reason. It was time for her to understand that the world didn't revolve around her.

Team 7 waited three very long, tense hours for their sensei to arrive. And when the young man did finally appear, he did so without a care in the world. Like he hadn't run late at all.

"Hey guys!" he waved. "I got lost–!"

"You're lying!" Sakura and Naruto yelled. Pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Sensei! Lately all of our missions have been too easy!" the knucklehead whined. "We've been training like crazy, and we've obviously grown! I want a harder one!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Kakashi answered. Ignoring his continuous complaints as he led them towards their next assignment.

"Hey! Naruto! We're going to leave you behind!" Sakura shouted.

The boy released that in his distraction his teammates were halfway down the street. He rushed to catch up.

After completing the day's missions, Sakura had to help Naruto walk back into the Village.

"It's because you push yourself too much, you know?" the girl pointed out.

"Feh, can't even take care of yourself?" Sasuke scoffed.

The comment earnned a nudge to the ribcage from Mai, who gave him a disapproving look.

"Damn you–!"

"Calm down or I'll finish you!" Sakura barked back.

The pink-haired girl had definitely become the mother of the group. Keeping the kids in line when they acted out. More so Naruto, but she acted like a buffer to try and prevent fights. Even if she was shouting with him.

"Teamwork seems to be suffering lately..." Kakashi mused with a sigh. "How is it that you're able to keep so calm, Mai?"

The girl shrugged her shoulders. "I'm a pro at hiding emotions and keeping a level head. Half of the time I block it all out... You should try it sometime, sensei."

The Jounin sweat dropped at the answer. It was like she was an adult stuck in a child's body. "I wish," he muttered.

"You're the one that's ruining our teamwork, Sasuke!" Naruto yelled. "Always hogging the spotlight!"

"That's you, moron," the Uchiha shot back. "If you want me to stop making you look bad then become stronger than me."

He has a point, Mai sighed to herself.

"That's it for today," Kakashi said. Before another fight broke out. "I'm going to submit this report."

"I'm leaving."

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