13 - The investigation

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Horikita's POV: I can't believe I didn't notice how weird Sudo and the teacher were being, I barely heard a word out of Sudo. He is normally much more of a nuisance and the teacher did have a weird expression on her face when telling us our points would be updated soon. Is there an easier way of finding out what happened? I could spy on Sudo or the Teacher but doing so is risky and I doubt it would help. Talking to Sudo won't work, he's such an idiot so I doubt he will have any idea of how to fix what is going on. 

I need to find some information so that I have something to trade for if Ayanakoji asks again. It's not like he's going to be amazing at finding the information I just need to get this investigation going. Maybe I could question the teacher but that might cost points and even if she did give out some information the chances of it being useful are slim at least if I don't pay her a substantial amount of points. I probably don't have enough points to get any information anyway so I guess I'll have to do something else.

I wonder if anyone else in the class might have some information. Right now most of the class is in the classroom other than Saiki, Sudo, and one other girl who I have no idea what her name is. I'm sure Saiki is helping Ayanakoji to investigate and Sudo is an inconvenient target maybe the girl will have some information. I guess the first thing I should do is find out her name. I'm not asking Kushida she would be troublesome later, I guess I could try to check the register. The question is how will I see it without too many issues? I don't want to have to spend points on that either, maybe I should just approach her and see what happens. I'll talk to her before class tomorrow, that way it will just look like I'm trying to do the useless activity of making friends.


This girl is hard to talk to it's like she actively avoids people, maybe she's like me and doesn't think friends are important. Then again I doubt it. She makes her presence in class really small and doesn't do particularly well in the class assessments. I'll have to keep an eye on her. I guess I'll leave her alone for now, I can get more information from her later. Is there anyone else who might be of use? I suppose Sudo is the best option he might at least know what is going on even if he is a little troublesome. 

I'll go talk to him "Hey Sudo! I know you know what is going on, but would you share it with the rest of the class?" That probably sounds weird coming from me, but how else am I supposed to get him to tell us anything, without putting him as a common enemy unless he says something about it? There is no way he would tell me as he would think I would just judge him for something he already seems defensive over. "And why should I tell you? It's not like you knowing would do anything to help." Hitting the nail on its head I see. I think compassion might be the only way to get something out of him. This is so useless. "Well If you tell us then we may be able to put our heads together to think of some ways to help you rather than you just moping there by yourself." 

I can't do anymore I just have to hope that the class is curious enough to agree with what I'm saying and drive the point in. "Yeah let us help. We care about you and we want to make sure you can stay in the school." Thank you Kushida. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me. He seems hesitant but doesn't really look like he has many choices but to answer. Thank goodness I think I'd lose all hope if this didn't work. "Fine, recently I got into a scuffle with some kids in class C, I didn't fight back but fought to not get hurt. Recently those same guys who attacked me have been going around with heavy injuries like they got beat up in a fight. I think they might have lied and said that I beat them up, which wouldn't have even been a worry if I wasn't being attacked by them so I have no alibi unless someone saw it." 

Yikes, that's a tough one. First, we need to find someone who would have been there or some photographic evidence of what happened there, preferably both. I wonder if Anyanokoji has any leads. I'll ask as soon as I've finished getting Sudo's point of view there may have been something I missed. "Hey, Sudo, You said that you were attacked did you try to call anyone or tell anyone anything after or during the attack?" "No, I didn't want to be seen as someone who needs protection after all I'm just fine."

"Was there anything that could have seen the fight? A camera or a student or something like that?" "Not that I could see. It was in the special annexe building which was never finished and I don't think they ever installed security cameras. It's the place people go if they want to do something against the rules without getting in trouble." "I see, tell us if you remember anything that can help" Thank goodness Kushida ended it I think I have all the information I can get. I'd better go get Ananokoji and see what he has found out. It'd better be useful or I'm ending our partnership and doing this on my own. 

Hey guys I'm really sorry for my slow update schedule but I've been really busy with exams and birthdays and just crashing from exhaustion and illness. I will try to keep this fanfic going but I have hit some heavy writer's block and need to focus on school so I can't promise a better update schedule. I read all your comments but I don't always reply to them. Please keep what you say civil and at least somewhat polite. I started writing this when I was 12 so The quality isn't something you should judge unless you can write or could write better at the age of 12. Sorry again for my terrible updating schedule and poor writing skill but I will do my best to post when I can thank you for reading. Also, I'm more of a reader than a writer and only wrote this because I couldn't find any fics of this genre and wanted to read one so feel free to use my work to write your own.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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