4 - life in the new school

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Saiki's POV: Yareyare I didn't think that Ayanakoji would become attached to me, after all, he seemed like the type to ignore people, oh well at least I managed a decent introduction. The teacher is kind of weir all of her thoughts are why did I get stuck with the lowest class again. She obviously thinks that we scored the lowest on the entrance exams. She's not wrong though after all both me and Ayanakoji scored 50% on every test so we only just got in and no more. Yareyare this school is weird why would they put all the students who did poorly in the entrance exam in the same class. The classes should be more spread out after all those who did better should bring up the grades of those who did poorly. 

The teacher was also thinking about how little points we are going to have after the end of the month so do we earn points based on merit. Should I force my class to behave for the benefit of myself or would that just make my class stand out? Yareyare this school is complicated. Whatever I do my class will stand out either for being the bottom or for moving up a rank. Whatever happens, I should try to do as little as possible with the nature of this school they may even find out about my powers. I'll just have to try to blend in if that's even possible in this strange world. "Hey, Saiki do you want to go get some things for our dorm rooms?" Ayanakoji asked. I was surprised at the sudden invite he seemed different compared to the nuisances from my old school. I decided that he would be a good friend that I might even tell my abilities to in the future so I responded telepathically saying " sure that would be nice after all were stuck staying on campus for a while."

When we arrived at the closest convenience store on campus I noticed that someone that might become a pain for me in the future was in there, Horikita was also shopping for supplies at the same time what an inconvenience. I can't back down now as I'm with Ayanakoji and he would be suspicious. I had to just deal with it. We walked into the store. I tried to lead us down different aisles to the ones that Horikita was staking so that we wouldn't bump into her but when Ayanakoji said that he would go to get some soap's and shampoo's I had no way to stop him from bumping into her. He walked around the corner to get the shampoo and saw Horikita holding the two cheapest brands and deciding which one to choose. 

She notices him first and say's "Another unpleasant coincidence." Ayanakoji is a little annoyed by her as she doesn't seem like a nice person but decided to try to be friendly as they sit next to each other in class. He then proceeds to say "You don't have to be so twitchy. Well, since we sit beside each other, we should at least get along. What's your name?" he's left with an awkward silence. Ayanakoji still wants to at least know her name. He tries again "You can tell me that much, can't you?" I feel bad for him as he is trying really hard but is getting brushed off. Horikita then responded saying "Is it a problem if I refuse to answer?"  Ayanakoji is starting to get annoyed and say's annoyed "No, but it's unsettling not to know the name of the person sitting beside me." He's persistent and Horikita can't argue with logic so she finally concedes and says "It's Horikita Suzune." thankfully Ayanakoji was satisfied and came back to me letting this awkward conversation end. 

I decided to ask him what that was about even though I knew. "what was that about" he seemed slightly perplexed and said, "she doesn't talk to anyone and I figured that if we could get along it would be useful as she looks smart." I was curious as to why he didn't tell me the real reason but I figured that it would be best to let it go and answered with "ok let's continue shopping then." the shops were full of everything that we might need but I guess that's good as we're supposed to stay on campus. I decided that it would be best not to waste my points as my class was unlikely to get more any time soon. Ayanakoji at first eyed me like I was being way too cheap but he then copied my example as he realised what was going on thinking 'Saiki might know that our points are limited for a reason I wonder what that is.'  I guess he will continue to follow what I do so we should be fine when the class finds out that our points are limited.

I parted ways with Ayanakoji and headed to my dorm as my jod was about to start and I needed to find a good place to teleport as we weren't supposed to leave campus. I finally got to my room and noticed that there was a camera I quickly disabled it and teleported to the cafe that I was supposed to be working at.

hi I hope you have enjoyed sorry for taking so long to upload I have had a lot of homework and tests for school so I will post a little more during the October holidays. as per usual if you have any suggestions I am open to new ideas. again thank you for reading have a good day bye.

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