11 - controling Horikita/Kushida's secret

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Saiki's POV: I'm glad ayanakoji got us out of there but we need to find a way to stand out less. Yareyare Horikita is too smart for her own good but it's not like she would understand either me or ayanokoji. "Ayanokoji we need to do something about horikita. Right now she should be off to fight for sudo to pass." Yareyare he looks puzzled and his thoughts are all muddled up I can't hear any clear ideas. I guess I'll just have to work on one too. what if we brought her in on the secret, no that would be even harder to control. We could threaten her but she is too smart for that. Thankfully I hear a decent answer from Ayanakoji's thoughts 'I think it would be best to make her our pawn, we give her the information that she needs and use her as the puppet leader without her even knowing. It could take a while but if it works she will be happy working with us and we won't have to spend much effort keeping ourselves hidden as she will be taking all the spotlight.' "Nice idea" he looks conflicted but I think it is the best one so far.

Yareyare we should probably help horikita now if were going to make her our pawn. "Hey we don't have much choice and one way to speed it up would be to go help her now after all I know she won't have enough points." Ayanakoji finally responds with "Fine can you teleport us as close as possible without being notice by cameras." "One second i'll need to use clairvoyance to see where the cameras are." There seems to be no cameras where Horikita is but the teacher is also there I will just have to teleport us to the stairs and we'll have to walk to the roof". 

Ayanakoji's POV: Saiki teleported us to the stairs of the main building so I guess they must be on the roof. Finally there I can see our teacher and Horikita they seem to be having a debate. Me and Saiki step forward . The pair finally notice us and saiki say's that we'll help pay. Our teacher looks surprised that we are here I guess it's because she also has her suspisions about us  OH well now is not the time to tink about that. I hand over 33,000 credits and Saiki does the same. We don't need them afterall we can leave the school whenever we like unlike the rest of the school.  THis only leaves Horikita to pay the remaning 34,000 credits and then we are done. She hands over the credits while eying us suspiciously but say's nothing about it I presume her mind is racing but I'm not saiki and as such don't need to deal with it. 

Our teacher let's us go and we head down the stairs in awkward scilence. Horikita breakes the scilence quickly by asking us how on earth we knew that she was there. Saiki beats me to it and says "it was quite obvious what you were planning to do, you want to move to class A no matter the cost and you were worried that sudo may cause us to no longer be able to after all we still don't know all the rules. You also lowered your score to lower the average so that more people would pass." I decide to jump in "anyway we should tell everyone else afterall they are probably worried about it." She seems to accept this but is still wary afterall she probably thinks that with our scores we shouldn't have had the brains to save our money like that.  This will probably make her further question us in the future. This could be a pain.

Once we reach sudo's room and knock on the door all we hear is chaos and things flying everywhere. Eventually he comes to the door he looks at us strangely until I decide to say "You're no longer going to be expelled." It takes him a minute and but then he shouts in joy he rushes over to his phone and starts calling people. Eventually once he is done he says " Thanks I would invite you in but the rooms a mess." Horikita then says why don't we go to Ayanakoji's room after all it's clean an there should be enough room" I don't know what to think buit I know that it would be weird for guys to go to a girls room and Saiki's room while nondescript is missing a camera so people may notice that they also have a camera which could attract the attention of the achool so I will just leave it. 

Once we are in my room a lot of other people have come like kushida who is acting like she is used to being in guys rooms. Horikita is just sitting on my bed, I'm on my chair and everyone else is on the floor Saiki made a smart move and bailed. I wish I could have done that but they chose my room. I decide that I might as well socialise afterall poeple would think it was weird if i didn't afterall we're in my room. Kushida surprises me by asking "So how did you convince the teachers to let sudo stay." I finally realise how saiki was planning to control Horikita through this and say "Actually it was horikita she went to the teachers and kept talking about how unfair it was to expell a student for failing one exam the teachers couldn't say anything it way really impressive." Everyone strated to fawn over Horikita. 

After the party Kushida stayed to help me clean up. To be honest she seemed kind of off. She asked me "do you like horikita" . It really caught me off gaurd but Idecided to go with the simple "were just neighbours" Thankfully she seemed to accept that but she kept looking dissatistfiyed. Once we were done cleaning she headed downstairs but it looks like she had forgotten her phone. I was about to head after her to return it but then Saiki teleported in. 

Thankfully  he teleported to a spot without security futage. He told me to come over ond I did he then said "put down her phone I want to show you something and that phone will get us in trouble." I did as he said and was teleported behind a tree where I could see Kushida dowing something weird. She was yelling as she was stomping her foot against the railing. She seemed to be mad at horikita. She was acting erratic and diranged but I paid it no mind Saiki probably just wanted me to see this side of her afterall he could read her mind in the first place. Right now I'm just curious as to which is the real Kushida. 

Saiki teleported us back before Kushida noticed us and then I saw why he said to leave the phone it she had been texted. If Kushida had heard that we would have been found out and that would mean chaos. In that state I don't know what she would have done to us. I hope I never have to see that side of her again but I doubt that will come true. I thank Saiki for showing me and he teleports out.

Hi everyone sorry that my release shecedule  is hectic i can't promis that it will improve as my schools work get's more crazy durning lockdown. I will try to update every so often but don't expect something every week. thanks for so many reads i hope that your enjoying my book and that your staying safe . bye

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