9 - Siam park

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Ayanakouji's POV: For the first time in my life I was genuinely excited. My world used to consist if 4 white walls that I could never leave but now with Saiki I can go anywhere and do anything. I hope it doesn't seem like i'm using him but he isn't just my tool like all the others. He is the only one I consider my friend and my ally. He actually understands me and he won't turn his back on me if he learns something weird after all he already knows everything. I guess I should get to sleep otherwise I won't be able to enjoy Siam Park.

It's morning now but I have just realised that people might think that it's weird if we just disappear I wonder if Saiki has a plan for this. I guess I shouldn't think about it too much after all he has probably already dealt with it. I'll grab my swimsuit and head to his room. Should I grab anything else after all we are going out for the whole day and we don't exactly have towels or sun cream. I guess I'll grab a towel and put some sun cream on now before we go after all I doubt that Saiki could get sunburn.

I made my way to Saiki's room and he let me in. He always has a straight face kind of like me I wonder why. Sure he may be more powerful than a god but I'm sure that there are still things that bother him. I guess he likes to keep everyone at a length. Oh well I can't wait for today and I hope he is at least slightly excited about it. Saiki said "OK if your ready let's go. It's our day off so the school shouldn't be too into our business and we should be able to get away unless someone comes into our room while we are still here we will be stuck going with them and won't be able to go anywhere." Saiki held out his hand to me and I grabbed it the next thing I knew we were in Siam park. Saiki had been smart and teleported us to the bathrooms so that we wouldn't be seen. I guess he must have used clairvoyance to see where the bathrooms are.

Once we left the bathrooms he asked me where I wanted to go first. I said "I would love to go to the wave pool first as they should be starting soon." After that we started going on the slides the first one we went on was the snakes to give us a good warm up. Next we decided to try out the volcano as it was the closest. It was fun but we had to go with two other people as there were only the two of us. After that we went on the dragon and had the same problem but decided that it was worth it as we wouldn't get many chances to go on these rides. We then went on the giant and were pleased to see that it was a two or one person ride depending on which side you took. 

We then went on the tower of power I was slightly scared at first but Saiki could always save me with his powers if something were to go wrong so I went for it and it was great fun. I felt like I had finally experienced freedom and was desperate to go again. I kept going on it until Saiki reminded me that we hadn't been on all the rides yet and that I could always do it again later. Next we went to the Singha it was a two person ride but you could go in three's. That didn't matter much as it was just the two of us we got in and sped through the ride the water-slide kept going up huge hills and the dropping us down them and it was so fun. When we got out the bottom I grabbed the float and headed back up to the top leaving Saiki no choice but to follow me.

After Saiki forced me to stop going down the Singha we went to the next couple slides these were the rapids and were quit relaxing but they had a huge queue so Saiki mind controlled them into getting bored and going to a different ride but before doing so he said "yareyare". The next thing we went on was the Kinnaree. It was a lot like the dragon but it was slightly more exhilarating. It was getting close to closing time so we went for one last run down the Tower of power and then went to the bathroom to teleport back to the dorms. I thanked Saiki and headed back to my dorm after getting changed. This was the best day in my life and I will always treasure it, I owe Saiki a lot and will keep his secret but I will use his abilities to improve our classes standing without either of us taking the credit instead i'll put it all on Horikita after all I think she craves attention and supremacy. I decided that I would call it quits for the night and went to sleep dreaming about the fun day I just had and deciding that I would show my feelings to Saiki after all he already knew them all.

Hi guys merry christamas thank you sooooo much for the support it means a lot and I can't believe how many views I have gotten I hope you are all well and that you are enjoying my story. Sorry if it seems a little out of character for Ayanakoji to be showing so much emotion but I personally believe that he just hides his emotion and that he would find that useless with someone who can read minds. Again thank you sooooooo much and I hope you will stick with me and my horrible writing skills. If you have never been to Siam park and want to know what they were doing I named some of the rides and you can find videos of them on youtube. Thanks again and merry christmas.

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