6 - The aftermath

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Saiki's POV: Yareyare the entire class was down after hearing that they wouldn't be getting any point's this month or until their grades and approach to learning improve so they decided that it would be smart to go to the pool. Why I still don't know, they must have thought that it would get their minds off their predicament. It seemed to be working as I only hear Ayanakoji thinking about our knew knowledge of the rules and how i must have found out about them somehow and Horikita thinking that something to do with me and Ayanakoji was off. I might need to be careful of her but I think that Ayanakoji would be more dangerous as he already knows that I told him not to use his points and he is the one that had info I had to mind read to find out.

suddenly Horikita approached Ayanakoji and started berating our classmates who were messing around in the pool. Ayanakoji agrees with her that they are acting childish but he also mentions that we are just like them and Horikita answers with "I guess" she seems slightly worried and then say's that they can't just stay the way they are as if they do we won't earn any more points. Ayanakoji then adds that even if we do earn them they are just a few measly points and that we are going to have to do something drastic to overcome class C. I decided that it would be smart to stop listening to their conversation as it may be seen as weird and as I said before I don't want to stand out. 

The class seemed not to be paying any attention to me so I just went to the bathroom and teleported to the cafe I'm working at. I needed to take a break from the chaos and her i didn't have to spend points so nobody knew that I was buying coffee jelly plus since I worked here everything was half price talk about a good priced coffee jelly. One of my fellow staff members came over and asked me how I was doing and what I was doing out of school. I hadn't told them which school I was going to as that would cause problems so I just said that I finished a test early and the teacher let me go as they had nothing more for me to do. He asked me what I wanted and when my next shift was I answered all these questions without arising too much suspicion until our boss came out and asked me to do some work since I was here she told me that I would be paid overtime and that I could leave with five cups of coffee jelly for free. I instantly accepted and after I was done I teleported back to my dorm room to enjoy the coffee jelly.

Ayanakoji's POV: What should I do I failed to get any of them to join the study group that Horikita is stetting up and I can't find Saiki anywhere. I guess I should check his dorm room again as it's not like he could leave the school grounds and he may have just been at the bathroom. After arriving at Saiki's dorm room I knock on the door not expecting a response but instead I get an instant one like he knew I was there without me actually making any move to let him know. I say "hi saiki" and he responds with "hey" he invites me in and I tell him about my issue with Horikita's study group. He appears unfazed and say's that there is an easier way. He says that we could simply spend some personal points and get the answers from our seniors. He then continues to explain to me that the tests are most likely the same each year and as underclassmen we should use this to our advantage. In fact Saiki said that he had already gotten the answers from one of them and he handed me a copy. He told me to print multiple and tell Kushida to hand them out as the class would be most likely to listen to her. He also said that you can just tell Horikita that instead of the study group as you couldn't get them to comply you got the answers from and upperclassmen and hand her a copy. I thanked him and left knowing full well that both he and I didn't want to take the credit but didn't want our class to fail.

I left Saiki's room and decided that it would be best to deliver the news to Horikita face to face rather than by phone as that way I could hand over one of the photocopies of the answers. I photocopied the answers and the headed to her room. I knocked on her door to be greeted by an annoyed Horikita standing in the doorway. She said asked why I didn't just text her to tell her what's going on but invited me in anyway so that I could explain. We sat down and I said that "none of them wanted to join the study group and even threatened me when I asked them so instead I went too an upperclassmen and bought the results off of them with class points" I then handed her a copy and she was mildly impressed. I was planning to do this as a last resort but Saiki did it before I got the chance to do anything about it. Horikita thanked me for doing this and said that it meant less work for her so she was grateful she didn't bother asking about the price and instead transfered 1000 points to me to try to pay for some of it. I thanked her and left as I left I transfered the points to Saiki and headed to Kushidas room to finish Saiki's plan.

Saiki's POV: thank goodness he believed me I got the answers by seeing through the teachers desk to see the questions and them doing them myself. I had no doubt in my answers but I didn't want people to question where I got them from so I just said and upperclassmen. Suddenly my phone beeped Ayanakoji had just sent me 1000 points and said that Horikita had given them to him to thank him for saving her the extra work of teaching those boys. I gratefully accepted but I was worried because now I had over 100,000 points which is all your allocated at the start of school and I had to find a way to keep that a secret. I already knew that class 1B's class representative had way more points than should be possible and I knew how she did but I wasn't going to do that as it would arouse way too much suspicion. 

The next day in class Kushida was handing out my answers as planned and everyone took them because the all had enough time to try to memorise them. Ayanakoji and I both planned to get exactly 50% again so we had no real need to take them but we took them anyway to not arouse any suspicion. The class was extremely grateful to Kushida for the answers and she responded perfectly just like she had been the one to get them and I was starting to become more and more wary of her as time passed after all her thought's were much more messed up than Kokomi Teruhashi's  and she was pretty messed up. The exams were in two days time so the teacher just let us study for today's lesson. it was quite boring but it also meant that I didn't actually have to do anything.

Thank you guys sooooooo much for reading this story it means a lot to me. I'm sorry that I haven't been uploading much but my computer broke down and I lost all the current progress I had so I had to start this episode again. It took a while for the computer to get fixed so I had to take a break. Thank you so much for reading this book and I am so grateful that we have gotten 899 reads this is absolutely amazing and we are only 6 episodes in I hope you continue to stick with me and my amateur writing skills and again thank you guys this means a lot to me.

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