7 - foresight

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Saiki's POV: I was in an alleyway and Horikita was talking with someone it almost seemed like she was pleading to him to accept her she kept going on about how independent she was and that she was soon going to be in class A. Her brother (as I just found out due to telepathy) was getting more and more fed up until he grabbed her arm and held her to the wall. I then woke up.

Yareyare I really hate foresight. It always gives me a headache and I doesn't always let me know what is going to happen and how. I sat there in my bed wondering if it would be smart to try to help her or not. In the foresight it seemed dark so it probably happens at night and I doubt anybody would be there to stop it. Then again I don't want her brother to notice anything off about me after all he is the student council and that would be annoying. Yareyare what should I do I guess I will have to help her but only because if she quits it will make my class stand out even more.

During class I was using clairvoyance to investigate the alleyway while using mind control to make it look like I was listening to the teacher. I later went to the alleyway myself so that I could be certain that I could teleport there if necessary. I noticed that there were no security cameras and that meant that I could do whatever I wanted. If anybody said anything I nobody would believe them after all who would believe in superpowers and even if somebody did believe them I could just erase their memories. Yareyare this is going to be a lot of work.

Ayanakouji POV: Saiki has been acting weird all day. He ignored me in class and he disappeared right afterwards to go somewhere but he never has anything to do. Until today the only weird thing I have seen him do is score 50% in a test but that was the only time I saw his test results and it could just be a coincidence. Either way I should probably leave well enough alone after all nobody knows what secrets people are hiding. I guess i will just go to my room. 

It's getting dark outside but I wanted to go for a walk so I got out of my room and made my way out of the dorm building. I decided to head to the park and find a nice place to sit down and relax. I know that might seem stupid since it's already late and my room is also a place for relaxing in but when you have hardly ever been outside then you take every chance you get. I was getting close to the park when I heard something weird. It sounded like Horikita was talking to someone but it also sounded like she was on the brink of tears. I went over to the alleyway that the sound was coming out of and then I saw Horikita talking with the head of the student council. 

He called her sister and the grabbed her arm. Suddenly Saiki appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Horikita's brother's arm. He said son't you think it's rude to hit your own sister. He let go of his arm and stepped back but Horikita's brother tried to punch him he dodged only to almost get kicked if he hadn't dodged. Horikita's brother went for another attack which Saiki blocked and moved away. Horikita's brother looked puzzled and asked Saiki which arts he practices. Saiki just looked at him confused and answered saying " I don't". 

There was an awkward silence and which continued until Horikita's brother said " I know you your one of the two crazy first years that have gotten 50% in every test  on the entrance exams and during all the class tests." Horikita looked stunned and I stood there not sure what to expect but her brother continued "in fact you both got the ones that the other person got wrong right and the ones the other person got right wrong. Is this a coincidence or did you plan it which shouldn't be possible to do as nobody is privy to the information of the entrance exam questions and they are different every year unlike the class tests. so how did you do it?" 

Saiki looked perplexed like he didn't know how the student council president had this much power and influence. He seemed like he was also a little fed up he simply said " there was no cheating involved if you would like to check my points to see that I haven't bargained with anyone to learn of the answers. It was nice of you to let me know that that is a possibility. I will go now as I don't want to cause any trouble but I would appreciate it if you would refrain from attacking my classmate." Saiki headed to the end of the alleyway and saw me he seemed worried and asked how much I had seen. I didn't know how to answer so I told the truth. I said "I saw from the point where you suddenly appeared like out of thin air and I was curious about how you did that. Could you tell me"

Saiki's POV: I thought it was weird when I heard three set's of thoughts instead of two so I decided it would be best to investigate but I decided not to do so until after I had dealt with Horikita's brother I didn't think that it would be Ayanakouji. Yareyare what should I do to convince him that nothing happened. I could erase his memories but I don't want to do that to him after all he has been really helpful to me even if he doesn't know it. I guess I might just have to trust him with one of my abilities but then again he is really smart and he might find out more. I guess I'll just have to take the risk and tell him everything.

I guess I should leave out the part that i'm from another universe though. I guess I should start by explaining what just happened. I told Ayanakouji "first whatever I tell you, you can't tell anyone else" I scanned around for security cameras and saw one I moved it away and teleport with Ayanakouji to my room. He looked stunned but I explained that I couldn't explain it to him there as there were security cameras and the "wind" can only do so much. Ayanakouji's thoughts were all jumbled but most of it was 'What on earth is going on? Who is Saiki?  In fact what is Saiki?' Yareyare should I have just told him that I hid in the dark oh well nothing I can do now. I have to tell him.

hi thank you guys sooooo much for reading this it really means a lot sorry for the cliffhanger and for the long wait but I have been really busy recently and I don't know when I will release the next chapter. I will keep writing it just won't be so fast paced for the time being. Thank you guys so much for reading this, I will keep uploading it will just take some time before the next chapter as I need a brake. Thanks again bye.

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